about 9 years

The world is better off when a Man is in charge!

Letting in tens of thousands of refugees into Germany? Misandry? Being unfaithful? Coldly refusing their partners of sex? What do they all have in Common?? WOMEN

Women are the Downfall of this society. Meninism is what stood between this world and eternal revolution! Men should always be In charge of the World!

18 signed
Men are better than Women
about 9 years

leo says

TheWitch says

Pay wage doesn't exist, lower-class treatment in the wide scale doesn't exist. And police aren't just letting white people go for crimes, clearly minorities are committing more crimes in comparison

k got the racist comment we can lock this thread now

about 9 years

leo says

i just said im not a feminist
you expect me to watch a video titled 'feminism versus truth'

anyways lock it up his buddy did a racist

You clearly have the same viewpoints of militant feminism

As usual, exiting the conversation once proven wrong
about 9 years
And honestly Leo, you could use that as an argument for your cause. Because clearly they're many minority groups in despairing situations for them to commit crimes.
about 9 years

leo says

TheWitch says

Pay wage doesn't exist, lower-class treatment in the wide scale doesn't exist. And police aren't just letting white people go for crimes, clearly minorities are committing more crimes in comparison

k got the racist comment we can lock this thread now

Not racist, but a logical explanation to why this is occurring

If you actually believe police just let white people go for crimes than your delusional...
about 9 years
i just said im not a feminist
you expect me to watch a video titled 'feminism versus truth'

anyways lock it up his buddy did a racist
about 9 years

leo says

TheWitch says

Pay wage doesn't exist, lower-class treatment in the wide scale doesn't exist. And police aren't just letting white people go for crimes, clearly minorities are committing more crimes in comparison

k got the racist comment we can lock this thread now

Please go to the Department of Justice website and look at the crime statistics. It is a fact that minorities commit more crimes in comparison.

@bdog1321, this is the type of regressive left posting I talk about. It's fusking toxic and disingenuous.
about 9 years

TheWitch says

Pay wage doesn't exist, lower-class treatment in the wide scale doesn't exist. And police aren't just letting white people go for crimes, clearly minorities are committing more crimes in comparison

k got the racist comment we can lock this thread now
about 9 years

Ryuko says

i mean it's cool that you're fighting the good fight and stuff.

but your breath is wasted against meetterry. just let his dumb thread fall off the most recent posts.

But Leo is so wrong, I hate how blind people are to the truth nowadays in exchange for overly emotionally reactions
about 9 years

leo says

MeetTerry says

leo says

does the pay gap not exist in your mind

I LOVE this.

Learn the difference between earnings and wages.

Women's earnings are less than men's wages because more 3 in 4 STEM jobs are done by men. They are the highest paying jobs.

This dumb idiotic propaganda statistic has been debunked over and OVER AGAIN. It doesn't take into account people's different job experience levels, education levels, where they live, etc.

It's a misleading statistic. Once you take into account all these other factors, THERE IS NO PAY GAP.


who are these theories 'debunked' by
im going to take a guess and it's a news report by a seemingly straight, white man



apparently white people can't have an opinion


Christina Hoff Sommers is the REAL feminist.

If you take into account the different factors, there is NO pay gap.

Compare a man and woman with the same education level, same job experience, same area of residence, etc. there is no pay gap.
about 9 years

Ryuko says

i mean it's cool that you're fighting the good fight and stuff.

but your breath is wasted against meetterry. just let his dumb thread fall off the most recent posts.

but they're so dumb
and i want to genuinely believe they're trying really hard at satire
plus its kind of fun to say 1-2 sentences and watch them reply with paragraphs
about 9 years
Pay wage doesn't exist, lower-class treatment in the wide scale doesn't exist. And police aren't just letting white people go for crimes, clearly minorities are committing more crimes in comparison
about 9 years
i mean it's cool that you're fighting the good fight and stuff.

but your breath is wasted against meetterry. just let his dumb thread fall off the most recent posts.
about 9 years

MeetTerry says

leo says

does the pay gap not exist in your mind

I LOVE this.

Learn the difference between earnings and wages.

Women's earnings are less than men's wages because more 3 in 4 STEM jobs are done by men. They are the highest paying jobs.

This dumb idiotic propaganda statistic has been debunked over and OVER AGAIN. It doesn't take into account people's different job experience levels, education levels, where they live, etc.

It's a misleading statistic. Once you take into account all these other factors, THERE IS NO PAY GAP.


who are these theories 'debunked' by
im going to take a guess and it's a news report by a seemingly straight, white man
about 9 years

leo says

TheWitch says

Leo, they aren't any second-class citizens in the West.

Oh and thanks for the ad hominem

lower-class treatment
pay wage
imprisonment rates of non-white people

i can literally keep listing

explain why women get 60% lesser prison times . weren't they second class citizens?

You are the typical victim of feminist propaganda. You are the type of person that I brigade against
about 9 years

leo says

does the pay gap not exist in your mind

I LOVE this.

Learn the difference between earnings and wages.

Women's earnings are less than men's wages because more 3 in 4 STEM jobs are done by men. They are the highest paying jobs.

This dumb idiotic propaganda statistic has been debunked over and OVER AGAIN. It doesn't take into account people's different job experience levels, education levels, where they live, etc.

It's a misleading statistic. Once you take into account all these other factors, THERE IS NO PAY GAP.
about 9 years

TheWitch says

Leo, they aren't any second-class citizens in the West.

Oh and thanks for the ad hominem

lower-class treatment
pay wage
imprisonment rates of non-white people

i can literally keep listing
about 9 years
The pay gap does NOT exist Leo
about 9 years
Leo, they aren't any second-class citizens in the West.

Oh and thanks for the ad hominem
about 9 years

MeetTerry says

leo says

TheWitch says

leo says

you don't know how social ladders work

Both genders can equally as easily climb the "social ladder" and become powerful/popular, but honestly it is hard for anyone to climb it without connections, deep pockets, and power in the family already. I hope we both have the same understanding of the "social ladder."

do you understand what a second-class citizen is?

i'm 99% sure you're one of those people who think communism is exactly what Animal Farm makes it out to be minus the entirety of the Old Major scene


goddamn seriously go back to tumblr. this type of shint is literal poison to the mind

does the pay gap not exist in your mind
about 9 years

leo says

TheWitch says

leo says

you don't know how social ladders work

Both genders can equally as easily climb the "social ladder" and become powerful/popular, but honestly it is hard for anyone to climb it without connections, deep pockets, and power in the family already. I hope we both have the same understanding of the "social ladder."

do you understand what a second-class citizen is?

i'm 99% sure you're one of those people who think communism is exactly what Animal Farm makes it out to be minus the entirety of the Old Major scene


goddamn seriously go back to tumblr. this type of shint is literal poison to the mind
about 9 years

TheWitch says

leo says

you don't know how social ladders work

Both genders can equally as easily climb the "social ladder" and become powerful/popular, but honestly it is hard for anyone to climb it without connections, deep pockets, and power in the family already. I hope we both have the same understanding of the "social ladder."

do you understand what a second-class citizen is?

i'm 99% sure you're one of those people who think communism is exactly what Animal Farm makes it out to be minus the entirety of the Old Major scene
about 9 years

leo says

you don't know how social ladders work

Both genders can equally as easily climb the "social ladder" and become powerful/popular, but honestly it is hard for anyone to climb it without connections, deep pockets, and power in the family already. I hope we both have the same understanding of the "social ladder."
about 9 years

bdog1321 says

can we talk about this for a sec though? how do you got from post 1 to post 2 in 1 page? are you that dumb? do you actually not think before you post?

brendy i've told you on multiple occasions that I think you are a swell guy

i already told you i never meant any of the stuff i just said above
about 9 years

Chaika says

"reverse ___"


Reverse sexism is a word made up by SJWs and feminist to allow themselves to do things such as #KillAllMen or say men should be put them into concentration camps
about 9 years

leo says

MeetTerry says

leo says

men were never massively enslaved for years on end, by religion or a cultural trend. in any society. ever. at we have knowledge of, anyway

anyway i have better things to do

nice showing your inner sjw

The best way to explain gender equality is a pendulum in a grandfather's clock. It's swung so far back to the point that it's oppressive to men.

You know 1 in 7 boys are on ADHD drugs because people like you think it's OK to raise boys in a bizarre agender/feminine way?

You know workforce deaths are 98% men? You know men do the most dangerous jobs on earth?

Disgusting feminist. check your PRIVILEGE

Wow. This must be the first time where people who live less on average, die more often, work more, are being told they're the oppressors

yikes. stay on tumblr.

this is why we need the badposting vio

terry if you need lessons on satire, go watch jeff dunham

yeah when you're unable to respond with something half way decent, you have to resort to "lmao stop shintposting"