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Non-anon opinions

deletedover 8 years

alright post here or PM me and i'll give u the name of someone to do an opinion of, but this time you actually say who ya got. more drama and all that ^__^

deletedover 8 years
i do not see the funny
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
why did blister delete?
over 8 years
01. ZAHRA - Our first interaction was pretty much you telling me to stop sleeping with horses, so that was a good start, but now we're pretty much best friends. We've survived so much. . . Wololo, Randompro, the great Meme Depression, the Deletion Of Thor. . . Aaaaanyhow, onwards with the sappy shint. You're a very understanding person; I can pretty much rant to you about everything and you'll hear me out, and we forgive eachother when we overstep eachother's boundaries. You're pretty much my mother, not gonna lie, and I no-romo love you to death, you het.

02. JAKE - Okay, so, you're the biggest bottom in the WORLD. Don't even LIE. I'm the god of lies, I sense this shint, you flaming homo. You're also one of my best friends, and even though we have a tendency to disagree, you're the best, and we forgive eachother a lot of the time. You're so funny and you're cute as hell even though you REFUSE TO ADMIT IT. YOU'RE CUTE & LOVELY. Not to mention that you're really down to earth, and really empathetic - you try to understand other people's situation, and it's so hard to be mad with you because you're just so charismatic. Really, you are. You're adorable, hilarious, and I don't see why people hate you here. You're betterrrrr than theeeeemmm.

03. AUSTIN - AUSTINI. My FAVE. We were both ILASGOC members, so, we're both basically Meme Paladins. We met on Tumblr, and we became better friends through mafia, I think. You're my literal favourite Chris Evans & Willam stan, and you (and Jake) are probably the two people that make me laugh the most. Seriously, I love calling with you two - you brighten my day and make me feel better. Anyways. We have so much in common, and you're so ADORABLE and fun to be around. Whenever you're online, I'm get excited because you're one of the people (along with Zahra & Jake) I genuinely enjoy being around. I actually don't think I can think of any bad points about you, which is a bloody miracle, considering how judgmental I am.
over 8 years
nightmarePhantom omg bae tbh. i feel like we connected alot and even when we don't speak for a while we can still understand each other's friendship. you're really special.

Quiche, She, Leez and all her alts, you're so nice and fun to everyone. and especially to me, i noticed it. i really want to get to know you better i just feel like we never had the chance. you're the main reason i keep coming back to the site with a smile on my face.

TheStyleAisle, nicest person i ever met on here. really sad we drifted apart but i know you're really busy with your life so i don't want to bother you. you're really such a sunshine and i hope you get what you deserve.

qrstuv and CindyChiang thank u for being my binches

Boltik, Redonkulous, PissProblems, DearestLeaderKim and DrPeePee. i think i can put u all in one category, great old school players. i don't feel like i know u guys that well because u don't tend to go personal on here but i appreciate your presence.

there are so many other people i haven't mentioned, i'm really sorry. know you're not forgotten. i'm very invested in this community and i luv u all thank u and good night
over 8 years
i'd like to mention other people and give them brief opinions:

gameshowmaster aaaaaah you are everything to me. you are going though so much and you may think i am dealing with worse but i don't think it's the case. i adore you and everything that you do. please never stop being you, you are so special and i can just wish to meet you someday.

sigh i will never forget you ever!!!! you are one of my best pals you're so endearing and so nice. you know exactly what to say at the right time. we also have so many things in common it's quite rare i met someone like you. i wish i knew more of you and helped you out as much as you help me. i know you're quite busy with uni so i totally understand :]

epicanova marina i feel like you're a little busy for me but that's ok. i'd like to say a big thank you for helping me in that one thing you know which one. you're someone i will never forget and i'll keep reminding it to you :]
over 8 years

ty LaLouve bite and Shuckle i can't say i didn't break down a little bit reading what u thought bout me

ty!!!! wasn't expecting this at all

LaLouve you have the biggest heart ever, you really let me in with open arms and i felt like i could tell u anything. no words can describe how grateful i am for you. thank you for being there and making such a big impact on my life. like i said you are very caring and i would be heart broken if we ever lost our touch. i'm so happy to be there for you and seeing you become so confident with yourself... it really brings me joy when i'm down. don't let others tell you what to do and who you are, you're freaking hip af so thank u

bite you are adorable, i think i have spoken to you for like a week and i know pretty much all about you and i think you feel the same. although you are my smol child i feel like im the child in this relationship. you helped me through the tiniest obstacles and i hope i'm there enough for you too. you are beautiful to me

Shuckle we only had one serious talk and i really hope it's not our last. im embarrassed to say you're really dreamy and thats all im gonna say about that. i think i can really relate to you in everything you told me so far. you're one of those people that i'd die to meet inrl but this is very unlikely to happen so rip. you're also one of my fav drunk personalities ever and you're so fun to play with but that's besides the point
over 8 years
Give me someone
over 8 years
Ill try :) 1 please!
deletedover 8 years
OverTheTop- This girl right here is the best ever. I could tell you all why but you'd all be jealous and I wouldn't want that to happen. I'm glad we met. Without her, I wouldn't be playing this game.

LaLouve- She's a good person. If I had to give her advice, I'd tell her no amount of online friends can ever fulfill the lack of irl friends. You can't please everyone. If you're already at the bottom, the only way to go is up. Other than that, she's sweet and very open.

Quiche- Quiche is a cool cat. Friendly to everyone. Very involved in the community. Fun to talk to. Overall a great person.
over 8 years
can i get 2 more
deletedover 8 years
me: is crying over hima and trick. literal angels.
over 8 years
1. Snowybae - You're one of the nicest and most adorable people I've ever met , not even exaggerating. You're always making me smile, even when you aren't trying. An amazingly smart, cute and funny person. I'm glad I met you <3

2. gardenfulloflies - I haven't really talked to you in depth until recently. Before that you seemed like someone I wanted to know, always being nice to people, and seemingly always positive. Now that I've talked to you a little more personally I can confirm all of that was right. Not to mention you're very understanding

3. taurarius - I don't really know you that well. But from the games we've played together you seem like a cool person
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
give me one
over 8 years


- i haven't really gotten to talk to you as much as i've wanted to but i think you're really nice and cool etc. all the sappy stuff.


- i don't know you very well but at the very least your sense of humor seems pretty on-key.


- saving the best for last haha. you're one of my favorite people tbh. i like everything about you and even though i don't think you like me very much, i still wanna do everything i can to make you happy and help you out. i'm sorry for everything i've done wrong to you and hopefully things between me and you get better in the long run :')
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
these three got too long so they get a pastebin to conserve space haha

4. terry -

5. error -

6. joan -
deletedover 8 years

ballsy says

i'll do some like 2-3

it's been 21 hours and i'm still waiting for 2-3 names
over 8 years
can I have more tbh? I want to spread the love
over 8 years
Sign me up for 3
over 8 years
i wanna join in on this. give me 3 names
over 8 years

SnowyB says

1) tricksterer
She is such a sweetheart. The few times I have spoken with her I have never sensed anything negative. I wish I could get to know her better =) She on my "nicest people on EM" list for sure.

2) furansu
Is bae Even though she wants me back in jail, huehue. She makes me laugh and is the best tbh. One day I will road trip to you Furanbae just to give you lots of hugs <3 I promise to bring Hood.

3) Destinybby
Can I just say I'm in love with Destinybae? I love how she is so genuinely honest and caring for the people she loves. She speaks what's on her mind and I wish that I could do that too. I wish you all the best and goodness <3 LAV YOU <3 <3 <3

deletedover 8 years
angie: angelic saint who has come down from the high heavens to give me a chance at a better life. puts a smile on my face and never ever let's me wallow in my bouts of sadness. someone who i just want to go and travel the world with and spend every last moment of with and that's hard for me to even imagine because i'm terribly unlikable and stubborn and sleep deprived and coffee has replaced my blood and i don't know anything anymore but i very much like the thought of just being beside you so i'll keep doing that for sure for sure and also most people don't know but angie is a very big volunteer and she teaches english and she has a very on-point aesthetics blog and watched kaguyahime and played ghost trick 4 me and that was wonderful (she enjoyed them!!!!) and also should really focus on sleeping instead of staying up to talk to me and also a plethora of other things i can think of but i ought to stop because i am embarrassing myself.

bence: please pelase lpepelapwed spplease please find a way to compliment people without lessening yourself i don't know even how to explain it i think it'd not only be a +++ for your self esteem but like i think people like to talk to people on equal levels so it's a win for everyone but really tho you're an interesting person and should talk more about things okay thanks
over 8 years
Chaika - Chill as heck but you one nasty weeb fam.