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Non-anon opinions

deletedover 8 years

alright post here or PM me and i'll give u the name of someone to do an opinion of, but this time you actually say who ya got. more drama and all that ^__^

deletedover 8 years
1) tricksterer
She is such a sweetheart. The few times I have spoken with her I have never sensed anything negative. I wish I could get to know her better =) She on my "nicest people on EM" list for sure.

2) furansu
Is bae Even though she wants me back in jail, huehue. She makes me laugh and is the best tbh. One day I will road trip to you Furanbae just to give you lots of hugs <3 I promise to bring Hood.

3) Destinybby
Can I just say I'm in love with Destinybae? I love how she is so genuinely honest and caring for the people she loves. She speaks what's on her mind and I wish that I could do that too. I wish you all the best and goodness <3 LAV YOU <3 <3 <3
over 8 years

Natalie says


you know, secretly the reason i cared a lot about getting your opinion because after we fell out of contact i started to think more and more over time that maybe you didn't like me, that maybe my obnoxious opinions and stubbornness had rubbed you the wrong way the same they has rubbed many others.

with no disrespect meant, your 2nd post pretty much boils down to liking me for being me, and honestly that helps me a lot. it's actually really nice to read that from someone, especially as of late

thanks nat. i already told you i think you're in top 5 coolest people of all time for me on EM. and by coolest i just mean i like you a lot as well
over 8 years
opinyan for


OK FIRST IMPRESSION when i came into sandbox loby i thought you were unapproachable you were like aesthetic everything and talked straight to the point. you and grace seemed inseperable and like many others, i thought u were grace at times (now i kno better) dont know how it happened but we started talking more and im honestly glad that we do!! you're a pun master and good sense of humor u also say things however u see them. i like reading what you have to say in chat and you do a surprising goo djob at impersonating me -___-

im also glad youre learning 2 hate ursefl less you deserve to be happy...
over 8 years
1.) howitzer

my pal who talks to me about english things so he is my english pal, good job thank u for caring about stuff i do and i am glad u are happy today

2.) galaxies

there are no words for how much i love gala, she is inspirational in a multitude of ways, she never gives up on what she believes in but shes also not afraid to admit that she makes mistakes and is imperfect. she is v wise and v caring about what matters to her. even when theres something she doesnt like she handles it with grace and poise. she is intelligent and creative and talented and so so so sweet and giving and she is forever my other half :otp:

3.) furansu

beautiful fura. u always make me smile when i talk to u. very precious little bird baby. pat pat
deletedover 8 years
angie: A SUPREME USER and literally the nicest soul on this site. no1 can literlly say a bad thing about you because you are perfect. seeing you in chat BRINGS anyone to a smile and will is very very LUCKY to have you. =))) You are such a nice person and it makes me sad that we DONT Speak that much but when we do its such a nice vibe and ur a chill person and stuff SO YA. love u forever and stay the same way forever you angel you =))

krista: U A RE MY BFF. We go waaaaay back with minheekim and godkiller and happy sperm family and u were my sister but then my first em wife and we WERE Rly chill. for some reason we started hating each other?????? BUT NOW WE Are literal bffs. you are such a NICE PERSON and it makes me sad when ppl crap on you. we sHARE GOSSIP on everything and YOU are the cutest person alive LOOOL. you are not a SINNER which is a very good quality about you and i luv u lots. =)

katie: OMFG I love you loads. WE DONT TALK AT ALL THO which makes me sad. you are such a sweetheart and such a great person in general. i wish u the bEST IN LIFE BCUS U DESERVE IT bcus ur a star. luv u <3 <3
deletedover 8 years
I would like 3 more please <3
deletedover 8 years


blister said i had to do this one properly so umm we used 2 be pals but we obviously aren't anymore i don't rly have a set opinion on u i guess it changes often i've never paid a huge lot of attention to ur personality but it seems 2 me u r strong willed and r loyal 2 ur friends but maybe oversensitive


ur probably the sweetest person i have ever met i rly don't know where i would be without u u make me so happy when i talk 2 u we don't rly talk super often or anything but when i talk 2 u i'm in such a better mood and u make me feel better without even trying and i always feel like i can vent 2 u and trust u u r like a ray of sunshine on a super dark planet sometimes and i feel blessed 2 be associated with u thank u for being such a good friend we go way back and ily


ur probably my fav person to see in the chat rly i rly enjoy talking 2 u u r so easy 2 talk 2 pls message me on skype i think we hit it pretty well off the bat rly we have always gotten along i remember when we first became pals and u helped me pick out a disney avi those were the days bless u i don't really think i have anything negative to say about u as a whole besides maybe u take the jokes a bit far but then again i'm probably just oversensitive myself anyway ily
deletedover 8 years
1.) garden - my em bae <3<3<3 I wish so hard that i knew you IRL you are such a sweetheart. Youre kind and I can't wait to watch and hear about your life taking off because it will pls believe me!!! I just want everything to go right for you, you have to deal with so much more heavy stuff than I have iin the world and you're so brave I admire you a lot for it. Youre a very humble guy who I hope sees his amazingness one day I love talking to you <3

2.) jimbei - Vaaaaaal we got really close this fall after we were playing a game and you talked about skype calling and I WANTED IN and you welcomed me with open arms bless u. We had good times in Wheaties, real good and I'll look back on it with fond memories all thanks to you for carrying that :) I think you bring so much positivity and light to people on em, I see you playing games and you always make people feel great about themselves. I hope you don't take this site too seriously or let the poop that happens here get to you too bad or the people who are poop

3.) ballsy - I've known ballsy/played seen him around since my early days on em in like March but we hadn't really talked at all out of games I just liked his style but then we kinda hit it off in September-ish. He's very confident and backs it up, a rough exterior but a softie on the inside; I wasn't a good match for him and I'm glad he and OTT got close because they're cute as heck!
over 8 years
i want .... some names
over 8 years

symphony says

peep says

10/10 pet would recommend

best dog ever.

deletedover 8 years
:0 if snowy (cool sis) did one then i wanna do three too
over 8 years
Here are my opinions.

You guys don't need any validation, you know who you are and you really have no need for anyone on this website to tell you otherwise.

Alex - Legend.

Terry - Legend.

Nicole - Legend.

Blister - Liking more with each day.

Reamix, you get a spot on the legend list because there isn't a bad thing about you.
deletedover 8 years
1) Shucklebae
He is such a sweetheart it's not even funny! Makes my insides melt. Super honest and is always there to help people whenever they need it. I'm glad that we started to really talk this year =)

2) theplok
This is my alt and he is the best. He was there for me after I left EM for my hiatus and just listened to my rants 24/7 <3 Best person ever and I'm glad that I can call you my friend ^//^. But just because I'm saying all these nice things doesn't mean I'm not going to pummel you in beer pong D:<

3) butterpototo
:0 Pototototototototototo is like my little sister <3 I just want to squeeze her cheek and snuggle her forever ^//^ She's just a tough sweetheart cookie and I'd do anything for her. I love her little quirks and I hope that she doesn't change for anyone!
deletedover 8 years

peep says

10/10 pet would recommend

best dog ever.
over 8 years


I mean I called you a weeb once and then you went on a fit and downvoted every single one of my posts. I'd crisis your taste in anime but I don't think I have the basis to do that. At least most things you say aren't outright stupid like some people on this site.



>playing league of legends
You have mostly good taste expect for you weeb profile. 9/10 would go out for drinks with and get teased mercilessly by.



You used to be fun and then you got banned or something and then just stopped? And now you rarely post and when you do it's poorly constructed shock bait or something. What happened?
over 8 years


you are gay and i love to ride your di


. luv u sorta.
over 8 years
10. hima - ok it's pretty obvious but she's extremely wise and just like seems to understand the world around her very well... i mean i thought she was in her mid-20s for months. ok anyway hima is also a really nice person in general, but at the same time she doesn't pretend to like the absolutely awful people around her which is something that can be appreciated (really i think that while there are some genuine people among the let's-be-nice-to-everyone people, most of them are extremely fake (side remark: not those who i opinionated so far they are all genuine)). also she seems fairly smart. anyway a cool and very very wise person. (and a filthy het.)
over 8 years
ok i'm gonna write shorter stuff for today. (edit: no i failed)

(side remark i know that 2 opinions overlap quite a bit i'm sorry i can't help it i just have similar opinions about those people.)

7. joan - for most of the time she acts older than her age. also she is pretty smart. and a nice person in general. one criticism: she REALLY makes sure that everyone knows when she despises someone. but other than that she seems to be a nice and understanding person. oh also she is among the (relatively few) people about whom i'm 100% certain that their online personality is exactly the same as their irl one which is a pretty great thing.

8. dia - (side remark i kind of wanted to write this in dia-style but impersonating you on patl was enough.) ok, let's start with the criticism: i wish she was herself more often instead of the ironical s##tposter bc dia > ironically s##tposting dia. but that's not to say that part of her isn't good, no, it really brings life to the chatbox and it's also pretty funny fairly often. anyway she is easily one of the friendliest people (even though you ironically bully half of the active people haha), and she's easy to talk to and idk just in general a very good person i guess. i mean there really is a reason why did nearly everyone like her very shortly after she appeared in sandbox. a cool person with good personality.

9. terry - absolutely disgusts me. sometimes i think there is still some hope of him becoming an okay person but i'm hella naive (as it got proven many times, including today with my opinion about someone else (

if you expect me to tell who lmao no i don't want more drama

)), so he probably won't become tolerable like ever. awful person. i secretly hope he can become an alright person bc early on he showed signs for the possibility (i.e. taking a sishen-like turn from an edgelord to a good person) but i find that very unlikely now so for now i'm gonna mark terry as "vile piece of trash".
over 8 years
rip MICKY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE summer 2015 - summer 2015
over 8 years
im still waiting for 3 more :B
deletedover 8 years


this guy is great he has great profiles is really funny and knows how to cheer me up when i'm done. we had a huge fight around july and we only made up 3 days ago from said fight. it's been a rollercoaster with this guy and i wouldn't change it



this guy and me, we had a fight around half a year ago (just like


lol...) but we've made up since then and he is an awesome friend who can keep a smile on my face :'D



this person is a rollercoaster for me. a rollercoaster of smiles laughing and happiness. this person was a PROUD MEMBER OF THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE which shall forever be missed rip. and they also cant handle it WWHEN I TPYOEL IEK THSI and i love it
over 8 years
holy what

over 8 years

nepenthe says

give me 3 more

actually make it 4 so that it can be a total of 10
over 8 years
It's page 8 already can I get a PM or what
deletedover 8 years
blister give me 8 names