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last album you listened to

deletedover 8 years

you do not have to have downloaded the album for it to count. that makes this thread more versatile.

over 8 years

pretty good
deletedover 8 years

this wasnt the last album i listened to but it will be i promise i just felt compelled to post it
deletedover 8 years

still one of the best
over 8 years

Retti says

this album is ok i guess.

deletedover 8 years

v porter robinson like 7/10
over 8 years

Retti says

this album is ok i guess.

typical rymer
deletedover 8 years

this album is ok i guess.
over 8 years

I didn't know this album existed until recently and it's my favorite band; rly nice surprise!
over 8 years
over 8 years
i should like that band but for whatever reason they bore the hell out of me

just went on a run to this:
over 8 years

is it human to adore "adore life"?
over 8 years

Stragger says

lol this is wild

disco volante is better but nice

also @ ciere yasss stan for aoty
deletedover 8 years

leaked the day it was announced
over 8 years

over 8 years

Favourite album of January.
deletedover 8 years

lol this is wild
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years

Blister says

pretty cool man, pretty cool.

Listen to Meathole by Venetian Snares right away.
deletedover 8 years

pretty cool man, pretty cool.
deletedover 8 years

Slowbro says

error says

it was a good album but i like most of their later work more


im throwing a 3x3 here because they look nice

deletedover 8 years
slow negged my post because he has

deletedover 8 years

spiritualized says

ayy same
deletedover 8 years

error says

it was a good album but i like most of their later work more
deletedover 8 years

overthrow the mods; the government puts cameras in cheese