Windows alternate between 1 good 1 bad, so Windows 10 should be good.
98 (Good), 2000 (Bad), XP (Good), Vista (Bad), 7 (Good), 8 (Bad), 10 (?!)
But Win 95 was good too....
deletedover 9 years
W8 isn't a quicker booter, it's probably that you just removed a ton of trash when you updated/reinstalled. I mean yeah if you only use it for a limited programs then you might as well be using iOS (haha lol).
Quite possible I suppose, though the boot stuff is legitimate because of the "fast startup" feature, which does the partial hibernate thing where it saves part of the session or whatever.
deletedover 9 years
Windows alternate between 1 good 1 bad, so Windows 10 should be good.
98 (Good), 2000 (Bad), XP (Good), Vista (Bad), 7 (Good), 8 (Bad), 10 (?!)
W8 isn't a quicker booter, it's probably that you just removed a ton of trash when you updated/reinstalled. I mean yeah if you only use it for a limited programs then you might as well be using iOS (haha lol).
deletedover 9 years
Also every Windows past 7 sucks.
I don't mind Windows 8. It's quite a bit quicker in general (especially with boot times), and I don't necessarily care about the steep drop in functionality since I really only use it to run a few specific programs anymore. I have a really nice and stable Xubuntu install alongside it if I need to be productive or if I feel the need to jump on Steam for whatever reason.
deletedover 9 years
Also every Windows past 7 sucks.
deletedover 9 years
apple could take over the world if they wanted lol
If you're having trouble with wait times and their stupid upgrade app taking forever, download and use the download tool here. My progress bar's already at 38% and it's only been like 5 minutes. Just make sure you pick the right version of Windows 10 when it prompts you to pick an OS.
Edit*** This might actually be an issue since it'll ask you for a product key during the actual Windows 10 setup, so never mind.