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Roast the user above you

over 9 years

Lets see how wild sandbox can get ;)

Sorry fam jake wins this round of roast terry.

round 2 go

almost 9 years
^thinks that chris is a dinosaur
almost 9 years
Is so much of a Dino that he can't even own a lobby.
almost 9 years
constantly giggles at her monitor after she makes a witty post
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
likes sneezing girls !
almost 9 years
is a giant homo
almost 9 years
Wouldn't kill a puppy for a substantially huge amount of money that would ensure you, your family and future generations a life of happiness and prosperity.
almost 9 years
Would kill a puppy for 10k as opposed to 18 billion dollars
almost 9 years
^ wants to be unbanned from main
almost 9 years
^ rage quits cuz mad
deletedalmost 9 years

fakechest says

Seems to abuse low quality memes to get some sort of feeling out of their hollow, miserable life.

You suck You suck
almost 9 years
Seems to abuse low quality memes to get some sort of feeling out of their hollow, miserable life.
deletedalmost 9 years

fakechest says

thinks badgerbadgerbadger is a good song/meme

You suck
almost 9 years
thinks badgerbadgerbadger is a good song/meme
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
oh christopher. i used to think u were really funny and a pretty cool dude. then i became mod and actually had to work with u, and, honestly, it was hellish. u blocked every single thing i tried to do, allowed people to break the rules and use slurs and harass other users, and would get mad at me for doing things and accuse me of mod abusing regardless if i was even around to abuse or not. i think u were probably the second worst person i had to deal with in terms of moderation. after u stepped down i didnt really care abt u, and to this day i still dont. u obviously do tho, since u downvote every single post of mine and talk abt me to kenny LIKE HE WONT SHOW ME... LMAO....

anyway ya ur mad washed up, like an aging celebrity whos lost their luster

EDIT: damn u aladrew
deletedalmost 9 years
Your avi is a dinosaur drawn by a 2 year old with an afro, thats fuc*ing awesome but still you just got roasted
almost 9 years
not much to say tbh. for the first months of u being here (when did u even join?) i had no idea who u were and paid no attention to u. u were just another irrelevant. now, u are still just another irrelevant, except ur an annoying, lying irrelevant who runs with the worst crowd possible. ur a snake, and not very entertaining, and kind of a know it all. for all i hate him, at least terry has the benefit of being unintentionally hilarious with his stupid anti-feminist spiels. u dont even have that benefit because ur mad boring. its kinda sad, honestly. anyway u suc
almost 9 years
chaoticdoom is attracted to his kin
almost 9 years

also this cupcake ate my cupcake. just look at the sweet, sweet redcurrant juice dripping from those sharp teeth. that was my cupcake. frick you.

@CHris rude enough to ninja me by 9 seconds
almost 9 years
Someone tried to make a cupcake with muffin mix and that's how Reamix was born.
almost 9 years
so cute that it literally killed me and has destroyed my family
deletedalmost 9 years
bad user