can't finish 1 album in a 3 months
Not a black kid with a pizza hat
i usually kick people with names like yours from my games
smelly lame troll account
ur vagiina smells like dog poo
has never used a hairbrush in his life
hey buddy i think you got the wrong door. the leather club's two blocks down.
non-ironically uses dog filter on snapchat
couldnt even come up with an original username
Upvotes your own comments that you wrote on your own profile.
Thinks that WWE isn't scripted
deletedalmost 8 years
gets paid to give cats and dogs overpriced kibble full of fillers and grains when they could just be ethical and resolve the issue 9/10 times with added supplements to their regular diets while promoting actually good wholesome foods
you basically just did the job for me
deletedalmost 8 years
stupid fkin dweeb that has a yuge pathetic crush on me knowing i am forever unobtainable for i have ascended into the astral plane of reasoning and ideology
avi looks like some weeb stuff and it disappoints me every time i realise it actually is
avi looks like morrissey but disappoints me every time i realise it isnt
deletedalmost 8 years
this pasta cat was out of date