Runwithfire was messaged to put in his setups because mods thought we were the same person for some reason. I want to comp TEO and DLYV. Been a while since I won a trophy so I forgot you pick setups and I wasnt messaged. I Pmed Bell and Mist but if someone else could do it I would appreciate it.
mist says you know what this round needs? guns *flexes* here are two guns
mandevian says this is what happens when a noavi wins a trophy. He doesnt even know what to do after it. silly pranay, the noavi trophied like forever ago back in comp lobby
deleted over 9 years
bant just in case
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i cannot be tamed when i have a gun
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mist says you know what this round needs? guns no b/c ill probably get banned for hipfiring pls just leave the scumhuntering setups up!
deleted over 9 years
you know what this round needs? guns
deleted over 9 years
mandevian says when the trophy winner forgets to comp a setup, the mods have to step up. Just like the Romans i will be your caesar
when the trophy winner forgets to comp a setup, the mods have to step up. Just like the Romans
this is what happens when a noavi wins a trophy. He doesnt even know what to do after it.
deleted over 9 years
Yeah you knowit
soda17 says meh i negged this topic at first then the gif made me change my mind. wd jennifer xo bby miss you
deleted over 9 years
road to a trophy has been picked up for a season 9
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Bv comped gg no re I win
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is this the first consecutive round we've had since the merge
deleted over 9 years
i got to 1500 get ready for some madness
If only it was a round that didn't have 4 good setups
meh i negged this topic at first then the gif made me change my mind. wd jennifer