Pran read my last couple of posts I've sort of alluded to them being legit but not 100%
deletedover 9 years
I don't get why people have to be so stuck up and bad sports. It's just a game, not their job. They aren't gonna lose anything from it but making accusations like this just makes it worse for other people, especially when they are innocent. Just play the game and stop making people feel bad about themselves and causing so much drama. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Listen guys. Reading all games doesn't give me enough to give them the vio. What they are doing is that they use their friendship in games which should be used only in red hearts. Just let these guys enjoy the site. The very purpose of this site is to let people play with friends and families. They are probably communicating outside once or twice. But they are not malicious.
Hey soda.I think you are being too harsh.think snot it properly. They are school friends enjoying the game. Let's not jump to conclusions.
If these guys want to run for the trophy they should do it without playing so much with friends. Not that it isn't allowed, but it is grounds for accusations and it makes friends favour each other.
Stop attacking these guys. They seem good.
deletedover 9 years
The stats don't change drastically over the course of 20 games.
deletedover 9 years
well the thing is if they were tossing the game for her, why do she not have the highest stats in the family?
deletedover 9 years
Soccer2002 if you're trying to win a trophy, I'd love to see you actually try and win without the aid of friends (in a meta sense) in every single game. I really hope you understand why I think this looks fishy since that's what usual cheating rings consist of: people joining the game and tossing the game for one specific individual.
deletedover 9 years
I'm just going to say this. If you cheated, then good riddance. If not, then stay out of gold heart games as a collective. It's not very appreciated when the same 4-5 people join gold heart games together and there's meta in place and basically makes the game unplayable for the other players. As pranay said, playing in red heart games is alright, but personally i'd stick to unranked passworded games where you can play however you want and no one will care but you guys. I really intended no harm upon any of you, but cheating rings are huge deals and ruin the experience for literally EVERYONE in a round and I do not appreciate them. If your story is true that you're all a bunch of friends who like to play the game of mafia together for fun, then that's honestly really cool. I wish my friends liked mafia like they way you guys claim you do. Good night.
deletedover 9 years
Well let's be logical soccer has a pretty noob name (lowercase and numbers), white bars around their avatar and has a mediocre winrate. Rarely do players like that do considerably well in the competition unless they have backup. Also it's fishy how if you only play for fun why do you need to coordinate so you all end up in the same game? Seems damn suspicious
Whether or not they're cheating is secondary over here, it's pretty obvious that soccer2002 has gotten most of her wins through the circlejerk. With literally everyone from the circlejerk coming in to defend her, something's definitely fishy.
I played my games around this hour last round, and 60% of the table used to be the members of epicmafia family Ruse. It kinda seemed ok at the start, however as the round progressed, players like snowflake and Imhereandyournot would come up with a totally inexplicable read on me(which, of course, had to be correct); this happened when one of the circlejerk guys was my CC or something.
i for one support an epicmafia where a large group of players from the same school join the same competitive game and proceed to play in a professional, non-friendly manner, because each is in it for themselves and has 0 interest in speaking with their friends while playing for hour-long game sessions.
deletedover 9 years
I have to admit the people defending soccer2002 are putting up a good case, but for some reason something feels off as if I wasn't 100% convinced.
The majority of us don't even have Skype so I don't understand where you formed that theory. And I can assure you we do not do such things as like you said, that's a form of cheating.
played it on GameFAQs at first it kinda blew, then went to mafiascum it also blew. I heard about epicmafia I think on mafiascum so I tried it and have been here since. I've also played irl a few times.