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Round 285 Discussion

over 9 years

Congratulations to the winners of Round [number]!

Good luck to the participants of Round 285!

Join the competition!!

over 9 years
I still have zero hearts but the round already got reset

The only way to do this apparently is wait until the start of Day 3 before people are allowed to play hearts, and pause the round until the end of Day 4, so people have 48 hours to play 10 hearts, and then hearts get given as normal again on Day 5. In order to do this correctly, everything should be decomped until the start of Day 3.

If people join the round after Day 2 normally they start with 10 gold hearts anyway, so that isn't a problem

It seems like now, if people want to run then they have to join on the off day between rounds

Alternatively, you could not care about the people with 0 hearts on Day 1 and start the round anyway but that's not a good idea. People aren't going to get 5 more hearts tonight (unless they have 0 right now maybe)
over 9 years
It looks like Jasprar reset the round but some people still have zero hearts

I guess we just have to join the round on the off-day for now
over 9 years

OmniscentChaos says

Billstickers' has made a plethora of inordinately bad posts ITT

Actually, that was you
over 9 years

OmniscentChaos says

We had TLC, Natstar, Howl and Ooops posting on the forums. Now we have Giga, Derfel, Justrec and Rutab to replace them. Not much has changed really.

I was there when they were lol
over 9 years

NinjaPanda358 says

Anna....go to sleeeeep, it's too early.

Say that to my 8:30 music theory class
over 9 years
Anna....go to sleeeeep, it's too early.
deletedover 9 years
no comp FGM for a great time
over 9 years
please comp all hail discordia
deletedover 9 years
it Feels Good Man.
over 9 years
wow thats AwFuL
over 9 years

itsannajane says

Ok Nat and I have decided that since you haven't given us a round gif yet we deserve 2 GIFS.

I agree with this post so much I logged onto each of my accounts individually and plussed it.
over 9 years
where is feels good man
over 9 years
Ok Nat and I have decided that since you haven't given us a round gif yet we deserve 2 GIFS.
over 9 years
12 :(
over 9 years
13 :(
over 9 years

Nattatatalie says

The round hasn't started because we have no GIF.

This is exactly why
over 9 years

Connor says

arcbell already posted that he'd get jasper to do a reset

ok i didn't read anything on a different page
over 9 years
arcbell already posted that he'd get jasper to do a reset
deletedover 9 years
Agreed. Just restart it, else tomorrow people will have 10.
over 9 years
u guys should restart the round bc some ppl have 5 hearts and others don't
over 9 years

Nattatatalie says

Colored text, anime avatars, emoticons... you know, the usual.

What kind of horrible world are we living in when a man can't even display his waifu proudly in his avatar?
over 9 years

JellyFeesh says

I want to get back into competitive games. Can someone tell me what is scummy nowadays?

Colored text, anime avatars, emoticons... you know, the usual.
over 9 years
I want to get back into competitive games. Can someone tell me what is scummy nowadays?
deletedover 9 years

Nattatatalie says

The round hasn't started because we have no GIF.

over 9 years
The round hasn't started because we have no GIF.