you're missing the point of the discussion entirely
deletedabout 10 years
steve pulls up his britches and cracks his knuckles preparing to tell the new meta kiddies a lesson in epicmafia history where ALIO was once considered viable and third-party is clearly NOT against competition
I'd just like to point out that when I won silver on sex and lies, I won 13/14 games as scum, 4 of which were as guiser. One loss as scum the entire round, as opposed to 10 losses as town.
guiser is only a bad role if you know how to guise test, unlike retti.
deletedabout 10 years
I'd just like to point out that when I won silver on sex and lies, I won 13/14 games as scum, 4 of which were as guiser. One loss as scum the entire round, as opposed to 10 losses as town.
snl is a mechanical townfarm in which guiser is already an inherently bad role and the only chance of you winning is either by night roulette or the table not being filled with metabuddies
it should probably be banned at this point its easy to fall into mechanical autowin and scum are helpless
deletedabout 10 years
Feels Good Man isn't blacklisted. Discordia was blacklisted because people were Doc/Cult jointing, so I just banned all setups which had a Doc + a conversion role.
agreed besides you thinking reverse mafia isn't an absolute point farm since you are objectively always more likely to win than lose over a period of time
deletedabout 10 years
I don't think any setup that isn't an absolute point farm should be banned and with that said I think there's a strong argument to be made towards banning SNL
Not because there's any mechanical problem with it but because it's way too brutal of a game for any inexperienced player playing scum. It's just a numbers game; too many townies plus no reveal is a brutal combo for newer players or players who don't effort, to the point where many avoid it and the only games left are stacked or semi stacked towns that will play it properly and town farm
But yeah there's absolutely no justifiable reason for something like reverse mafia to be banned, much less something like a&d. Unfortunately, those setups were banned under another admin and the current admin respects a useless precedent way too much to overrule it