deletedabout 10 years
if you have nothing to hide let the mods have access to your skype c:
unless you have nothing to hide :^)
Delete your skype logs!!!
you all are just holding on the point that i am cheating lol. go ahead and look into it then, im not gonna say anything more
If you can't play this game without a large group of friends in every of your table then comp isn't exactly thing you should be at.
deletedabout 10 years
so you planned to cheat last round but didn't think u could get away with it but tried this time? isn't that obvious?
deletedabout 10 years
Lukeageo or whoever already has a cheating vio so I'm not surprised lmfaooo
yes we were planning to join comp together since last round, but we all chickened out and joined this round. and also about that game, i ated it out? isnt that obvious?
no i was lying it was an attempt at a joke
congrats to biiistickers on silver!!
deletedabout 10 years
does ToS have trophies?
deletedabout 10 years
its just very odd that someone and their large group of friends who never have played comp before play in a large setup for them to all fit in and you always seem to win when you have more friends in the game this is probably one of the weirdest game i've reviewed and it speaks for itself
its ok Chinatsu, i hear you can now win trophies on
edit: oh it doesnt work: for you Chinatsu
deletedabout 10 years
There should also be refunds when your mafia partner doesn't try and act like a guilty on him is fake when he is lawed
deletedabout 10 years
I thought refunds were stricter now
deletedabout 10 years
Chinatsu has never posted on the forums but now...accused of cheating...runs to her defense !!
Also the other day she had on her profile that she "doesn't cheat" lol
deletedabout 10 years
because none of you have ever tried rereading some screenshot from past games and change your mind.
deletedabout 10 years
i believe you are allowed a refund for GT/Trollling/ISP.
deletedabout 10 years
Connor you can't get a refund for ISP reports since when is that a thing if that's a thing give me a refund for thegoodwines isp 0:)
deletedabout 10 years
Im ready for the 5 day pause
its ok since ur not friends with anyone in power u will be disgracefully [redacted] on and made to forfeit the trophy u so rightfully earned
deletedabout 10 years
also mods, can i get my refund already