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Top 3 most underrated players

deletedabout 10 years

who are ur top 3 most underrated epicmafia players??

i would say




deletedabout 10 years
ling is a really good player who's also awful to play with when he's taking the game seriously

the only differences between pranay and ling when he's tryharding are that ling speaks fluent english and ling is a likable person again immediately after the game ends
deletedabout 10 years
It's kinda hard to underrate or overrate a consistent cheater.
about 10 years
ling outplayed me when i was a N00b {i still am}
deletedabout 10 years
ling is kind of underrated
deletedabout 10 years
one time brakes said that he reminds me of him and i think around that time i tried to quit epicmafia
deletedabout 10 years
nhie with that group was great because everyone was roughly the same level of depravity but every third question would lead brakes into some tangent about his drug problem
deletedabout 10 years

Retti says

billstickers didnt upvote my lore post

i didnt see the lore at first, i found the lore
about 10 years
this d did
top lel
deletedabout 10 years
My only redeeming memory of Brakes is the vendetta he launched against me because I blocked him from modding, which provided me with huge amusement.
about 10 years

Retti says

BiIIStickers says

retti hasnt shown the right to be assertive about play in a while

which sucks because he should show it in games

every game i play with you feels like a bad boyz table in which i lose my manhood and im afraid of your judgment so that's why you haven't seen it

deletedabout 10 years

Hibiki says

im underrated

you used to be good but then you got soft
about 10 years
No connor you suck
deletedabout 10 years

Hibiki says

i think brakes is the only person who's presence would make me consistently cringe

he was fine before he was outted on plato but then he really went off the deep end

my only redeeming memory of him was when me sachy shmeur and him played never have i ever in red heart games
about 10 years
im underrated
about 10 years
deletedabout 10 years

alise says

also finnows was a good player

deletedabout 10 years
Maxwell has an aura about him, that if people who know him ignore and just treat him as a standard player, maddens the hell out of him.

Source: He now dodges me because we played three games together. I lynched him when he was town in a BV game before lynching back to back mafia, after he'd tunnelled me. And then the next game, I made him out as doc after he'd spent the whole day whining abotu the previous game, and then I lynched back to back mafia. And the third game, we tunnelled each other to death when we were both town and lost at S&L. Although I had been pointing out Vancy had been coasting so hard on the final day, but I was teh only option.

I found that night hilarious. Apparently he didn't, though.
deletedabout 10 years
Who's Pranay
deletedabout 10 years
billstickers didnt upvote my lore post
about 10 years
top lel
about 10 years
i think brakes is the only person who's presence would make me consistently cringe
about 10 years

BiIIStickers says

i wanna play mafia but i have to meet my dad for dinner, its his birthday

me too im getting frozen yogurt
about 10 years

BiIIStickers says

kittykeri says

bill please tell me
what is good about my gameplay and what is bad

you're hands down the most perceptive player on this website and will notice slight tells that even i miss, you're incredibly reliable town whenever you're not doing something you think you're "supposed" to be doing like fake ccing, you're great at getting out of lynches, you're good at subtly pushing other people to vote along your own agenda

you panic too much as clear, you overthink way too much sometimes, you're prone to being beaten by bad play because you think about what you'd do instead of what other people would do (I'm the person guiltiest of this on the entire website tho), and you don't think about setup mechanics enough

deletedabout 10 years

kittykeri says

BiIIStickers says

alise says

pacifist isps as mafia
that's it

man i almost got cranked by the pacifist isp once, soda was uncced cop in a jan 2.0 game and town got nicole to claim as uncced doc, i thought soda was scummy so i late cced cop as blue and got him lynched

turns out pacifist was just isping janitor and didnt feel like ccing

lol i remember this. and like all our PR's were dead and town still won it was great

empire believed me, and to be fair he should've because i was oozing town and so was the one towny insisting on tunneling me

idk how we pulled that back but im glad we did
deletedabout 10 years
lel I could get a mafia game if I wanted to, lol