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Top 3 most underrated players

deletedabout 10 years

who are ur top 3 most underrated epicmafia players??

i would say




about 10 years

Rutab says

Also, pretty much everyone in this thread who called themselves underrated is overrated even though they're extremely bad

no U
deletedabout 10 years
*wipes sweat from forehead*

Phew, avoided that trap, buddy.
deletedabout 10 years
Also, pretty much everyone in this thread who called themselves underrated is overrated even though they're extremely bad
deletedabout 10 years
Funniest thing Lucid has done on this site, including all his shrooms quotes.
deletedabout 10 years
man i don't know any of that!!

also i like ape but the dude consistently keeps going through like a really bad losing phase where everything is off for him
deletedabout 10 years
Endorphins, multi-time cheater, forever famed for paying Lucid $50 to change his userID to a two-digit number, three days before Lucid banned him for cheating and refused to refund it.
deletedabout 10 years
Also really good but still underrated:
deletedabout 10 years
kind of super aggro like lolwot was
about 10 years
all of my fourths should have been bronzes and i'm still salty about them
deletedabout 10 years
Endorphins is a pretty good player from the few games i've played w him recently although he is egoistic as hell
deletedabout 10 years
Fading and Endorphins both screwed me out of trophies with their cheating, but the past is the past...
about 10 years
bill you kept stating she obviously didn't cheat
about 10 years

Shivv says

Shia winning gold was arguably worse but everyone stopped caring by then

it also screwed me out of a bronze
deletedabout 10 years

Scholsey says

BloodCrown is seen as like maymay but I've often seen him have great reads as town.

deletedabout 10 years
Yeah, Rutab.
about 10 years
BloodCrown is seen as like maymay but I've often seen him have great reads as town.
deletedabout 10 years

Lashka says

Rutab says

Who is Maxwell and what account does he play on now? I've never seen a Maxwell recently

I think he plays on his alt "HEAVYBREATHING" these days

Is he really Maxwell
deletedabout 10 years
The biggest problem I had with Sidekick 1.0 was Crypto's conspiracy theory of Abc being the Moriarty of EpicMafia and, whilst running his own cheating ring on Beshal, simultaneously having a bunch of otherwise unlinked accounts which played with both him and Sidekick but only ever played in favour of Sidekick in order to frame Sidekick for cheating.

Also the fact she should've been banned for cheating in Training with NeverGuess two months earlier but Rondar got lazy and let the games all break because Lucid.
deletedabout 10 years
my biggest problem with the sidekick 1.0 thing was that there were a bunch of games at the end of the round that were cheated in and a bunch of games at the beginning of the round that weren't, and gira went full affirming the consequent on those early games in which there was actually nothing going on

it's like every time there's a pastebin everyone feels the need to include a bunch of games that were clean just to support the narrative, and for me it has the opposite effect

cory was obvious because the intent was obvious, and i also really wanted to see her get away with it because it was straight up funny
deletedabout 10 years

Rutab says

Who is Maxwell and what account does he play on now? I've never seen a Maxwell recently

I think he plays on his alt "HEAVYBREATHING" these days
deletedabout 10 years
Wow Maxwell's gone sub-60
about 10 years
i miss her
deletedabout 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

Zay is gone but she was good at mafia

Except she cheated with, like, everyone.
deletedabout 10 years
about 10 years
zayzay is good, don't mess