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Top 3 most underrated players

deletedabout 10 years

who are ur top 3 most underrated epicmafia players??

i would say




deletedabout 10 years

Rutab says

Shivv is crashing really bad ITT

almost as bad as he crashed when he cheated and tried to steal my gold
deletedabout 10 years

Loreli says

ling says

Also reminder that shivv used to fear sheep me in every game to the point where once the orc died and he was naked, i managed to claim nude blue as mafia and he gave me hammer in 3 way (game made it to em newsletter)

Wrong, orc died on me and he had me marked as blue. I died the next night, you claimed oracle and got hammer in 3way.

If you're gonna quote something do it right.

@Bill I'm presently dodging you because I correctly read you last ~3 games and you spent all of them arbitrarily tunneling me. Last time, to be fair, I spent 3/4ths of the day omgusing you out of salty frustration, but by the end I was voting correctly. (You were like "THERES NO WAY YOU CHANGED YOUR READ AFTER ALL THAT")

3 most under-rated players are:
1. Kittykeri - she was already mentioned in this thread, she has a really solid town game and she isn't an easy read either.
2. sweeper - reminds me of me fumbling around back 2013. Tries his off in every game and catches the analytical players like riot and me, even if he can't get us lynched.
3. Murica - reads well almost every game and is obnoxiously hard to get lynched in the current meta - believe me, I've pegged him quite a few times.

this is 100% incorrect, considering that the past 3 games we played together we were both town and 1 of us got n1ed

you're referring to a single game, in which you claimed i was scum for some totally arbitrary reason like me calling someone gay, then harped on it for 40 minutes, then said in postgame that the real reason you scumread me was because of my reaction to being scumread, which, as a completely legitimate reason to scumread me, would've gotten me off your back immediately
deletedabout 10 years

Miki says

bill you kept stating she obviously didn't cheat

yeah, when you were a part of the non-cheated games and someone is trying to use them as evidence of cheating it's kind of hard not to hold that opinion
about 10 years
was gonna post runban but i couldn't remember if he had a 3rd alt
deletedabout 10 years
I miss guppy
about 10 years
about 10 years
nano is a treasure
deletedabout 10 years
clairehuxtable lovelyclaire19(something like that) SarahTwilight are pro while being absolute idiots
deletedabout 10 years
Ling literally bundled together a pack of lies as a retort to being mocked for cheating on an internet mafia game, while having actually cheated
deletedabout 10 years
also, rip heavybreathing
deletedabout 10 years
Actually I just didn't care much about mafia then and also none of that is true
deletedabout 10 years
prevail huehue
gen is really good i think
heavybreathing is better than me at mafia

murica is good but i don't think he can't get caught as scum like someone said earlier..keri is known to be good, so.
about 10 years

ling says

Literally every single old poster knows that shivv was once a nervous new user who used to sheep all the stronger users reads and now you've changed into a peta copycat

He was nice(r) back then though. I liked early TheShiv
deletedabout 10 years
I will give her my dog in exchange.

you know who has a really cute cat? abe does I love his cat
about 10 years
my cat doesn't like me but my mom really likes my cat, so you're going to have have to fight her for him.
deletedabout 10 years
Anthony will u give me ur cat??
about 10 years
i have a cat
deletedabout 10 years
I want a cat. :(
deletedabout 10 years

Sonrio says

Luca says

ling says

Keri literally only snaps cat ears or her dogs

that's me but change dogs with cats

does this mean you snap dog ears or cats

i snap cats, which have cat ears
about 10 years

Luca says

ling says

Keri literally only snaps cat ears or her dogs

that's me but change dogs with cats

does this mean you snap dog ears or cats
about 10 years
i raised abe to be the way he is today: a big flaming homosexual with sexually ambiguous usernames like Loreli
deletedabout 10 years

ling says

Keri literally only snaps cat ears or her dogs

that's me but change dogs with cats
deletedabout 10 years
also prolly abanned user dude
deletedabout 10 years
i think that crystalball is a pretty swell player
deletedabout 10 years

Calvin says

*launches the goodbar signal*

Loreli says Play mafia.

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