There's nothing wrong with manhunt aside from the sheer volume of bullets flying, it's hard to live until the end if you're good town just due to how many people can target you
deletedabout 10 years
Mikeyru is on a whole different plane of existence when it comes to being awful. I can deal with stubborn people and I can deal with people who are bad with reads but I can't deal with someone who picks a reason to lynch someone and won't listen to arguments to the contrary
If I'm ever in a game with him and he dies n1 you can autoclear me because he's mafia's best asset when he's town to the point that I'll break my own n1 top of list meta if he's at the top
Just me personally and all, I think it's funny that Jericho called Abe bad. Didn't Jericho run on manhunt and take it seriously?
deletedabout 10 years
abe is insta-dodge if i'm playing something that matters, because i'm going to scumread him over his complete lack of ability to have any tone in every single game, and he's going to tunnel me off something dumb and completely derail the game every single time
the only time i can remember enjoying playing w/ abe was when 8p nightless was comped
i can see why you say this now, he is trash and he thinks grudgelynching/tunneling is the way to go till the last second and when you question his alignment because of how mindnumbingly $hit his game has been, he then "really" scumreads you because you FoS'd him for acting like a complete moron. Also I'm pretty sure he tried to grudgelynch me for getting him lynched in a game with gira, ling and anthony.
He's not a bad player he's just an awful match with my playstyle. I rely a lot on causal conversation and interactions for reads and he's incapable of doing both things.
im suprised my comment saying maymay isnt the worst player in the history of EM isnt hidden yet.
Vash was underrated before he self-deleted :^)
Today sweetkicks, kittykeri, caroline, and skillz are all solid players that come to mind.
Pretty sure Mikeyru is worse than maymay, at least maymay's lawyer reads are sometimes always never wrong.
Skillz is definitely underrated, he tried to convince me last round that people who troll are confirmed town, and that only scum tryhards, this after the person only trolling that he hard townread flipped stalker.
BloodCrown is seen as like maymay but I've often seen him have great reads as town.
i puked at the suicider part, but hey thanks
deletedabout 10 years
its still nails.
deletedabout 10 years
he should have grs'd + left the skype group?!?
deletedabout 10 years
Woah you're terrible at quoting
deletedabout 10 years
he's going to tunnel me off something dumb and completely derail the game every single time
deletedabout 10 years
abe is insta-dodge if i'm playing something that matters, because i'm going to scumread him over his complete lack of ability to have any tone in every single game, and he's going to tunnel me off something dumb and completely derail the game every single time
the only time i can remember enjoying playing w/ abe was when 8p nightless was comped
i can see why you say this now, he is trash and he thinks grudgelynching/tunneling is the way to go till the last second and when you question his alignment because of how mindnumbingly $hit his game has been, he then "really" scumreads you because you FoS'd him for acting like a complete moron. Also I'm pretty sure he tried to grudgelynch me for getting him lynched in a game with gira, ling and anthony.
deletedabout 10 years
E.g. talk about in game stuff with someone who wasn't in the game. Whoops. I haven't done that I know people who have.
deletedabout 10 years
You don't accidentally cheat caroline....
Did I say I did? Lol no
deletedabout 10 years
How do you accidentally cheat
deletedabout 10 years
It's actually possible to accidentally cheat. But in that case it was not accidental
i feel like there's a massive ideological difference between "cheating to win a trophy" and "cheating because you're in a skype call with someone and don't want to hang up" and its why i never think of ling as a cheater
and yet I still get blasted as a cheater because Jade and I didn't go into different rooms in our two-bedroom apartment every time we wanted to play EM.
it would literally have been more effort not to cheat than to cheat.