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Top 3 most underrated players

deletedabout 10 years

who are ur top 3 most underrated epicmafia players??

i would say




about 10 years
i call abe bad at mafia all the time because i used to feel like i could read him when i did it in game. i figured it would be like putting him on tilt. i doubt that would work any more though
deletedabout 10 years
last game i played with you i led you to townread me and got you hammer, and then you panicked and let town townblitz me and im still salty about it because i played u like a fiddle
about 10 years
idk I think I'm alright at game
deletedabout 10 years
stacked games are a horrible idea and are never fun
about 10 years
stacked bl game
deletedabout 10 years

BiIIStickers says

have i cranked you a single time in this thread

you cant just be wall to wall cranks dude u gotta shamylan it up a bit, aint my style to go hard on you 24/7 its not like you're 5'2 like goodbar dude

i meant in-game

this makes me kind of want to play mafia, however
about 10 years
Who has a gold trophy? Me. Not you, sweetie.(: xo
deletedabout 10 years
have i cranked you a single time in this thread

you cant just be wall to wall cranks dude u gotta shamylan it up a bit, aint my style to go hard on you 24/7 its not like you're 5'2 like goodbar dude
deletedabout 10 years

alise says

i'm a bad boy at mafia (:

about 10 years
i'm a bad boy (:
about 10 years
that being said, i could be misremembering. i know there are definitely people i read that way (kerry CAN be one of them but it's unreliable cause some times she can just decide to pull out the stops as mafia for no reason). i don't play enough to remember any more and my experience is mostly distant memories at this point
deletedabout 10 years
every sentence i post is an opportunity for billstickers to crank me and i dont want that
deletedabout 10 years

BiIIStickers says

retti hasnt shown the right to be assertive about play in a while

which sucks because he should show it in games

every game i play with you feels like a bad boyz table in which i lose my manhood and im afraid of your judgment so that's why you haven't seen it
about 10 years
i only bussed giga because i knew i could carry
^ lol good at mafia B3
about 10 years
good for me!
about 10 years

Hibiki says

Jill says

connor what does that mean

i rely on reading you tonally because it almost never fails

is that a bad thing or a good thing
about 10 years

Jill says

connor what does that mean

i rely on reading you tonally because it almost never fails
deletedabout 10 years
retti hasnt shown the right to be assertive about play in a while

which sucks because he should show it in games
about 10 years

Retti says

alise says

retti please i've outplayed you as scum before u've only read me right atleast 1-2 times out of all the games i've played with you

prove it

**** U

also finnows was a good player
deletedabout 10 years
remember when i carried you for like 4 games straight where is my recognition
about 10 years

alise says

it means you are bad at this game because i am also bad

that's not true!
deletedabout 10 years
Runaway100 or whatever his name was
about 10 years
don't lynch me i am cute and passive
deletedabout 10 years

alise says

retti please i've outplayed you as scum before u've only read me right atleast 1-2 times out of all the games i've played with you

prove it
about 10 years
retti please i've outplayed you as scum before u've only read me right atleast 1-2 times out of all the games i've played with you