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Demod Jericho Now

deletedover 9 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

deletedover 9 years
im gonna be here for the big one double zero
deletedover 9 years
You can only call it trolling if it's funny
deletedover 9 years
toasting in epic bread
over 9 years

ark says

xxerox says

Because its basiclally trash :)

If I had the ability to misclick forum ban for 24 hours I really would.

He is trolling on purpose
over 9 years
Well you can tell abc to make a link , so i to get forum banned.
deletedover 9 years
Could be worse. I've been on this site for 4.5 years and over half my time has been spent modding or adminning it.
over 9 years
i'll never be happy until everything is perfect, and nothing is ever perfect.
over 9 years
i've been on this site for 4+ years and i think at least half of my time spent here has been complaining about the mods.
over 9 years

xxerox says

Because its basiclally trash :)

If I had the ability to misclick forum ban for 24 hours I really would.
over 9 years
I don't let the weather affect my day too much though, I mean, I live in the Netherlands, if I let the weather affect my day too much I'd have to be depressed 10 months of each year.
deletedover 9 years
why would you want to mod epicmafia when you can complain about the people who mod epicmafia instead?
deletedover 9 years
the idea of spurning qualified people because they're not controllable is so inherently dumb i don't even know how to respond to it

like, you're actively seeking the lowest common denominator with that solution
over 9 years
Lol slow, that's not being passive aggressive. That's just telling you I won't respond to the bait. You have your opinions, I have mine, they are not the same. There's nothing more to it. I don't have a strong opinion about you as a person, I just know we don't agree on stuff. So what.
over 9 years
Note to myself. Send Lucid a message to mod 2 mods at the same time.
over 9 years
it's raining right now.
deletedover 9 years
LadyNemesis this is an amazing scientific discovery: A beautiful day where you live does not necessarily mean that it is a beautiful day where I live.
over 9 years
over 9 years

Sims says

Renaldo says

Sims says

the main problem with the mod team right now is that there's no synergy. build the mod team from the ground up and create that freakin' synergy.

Yeah, building a team from essentially scratch was challenging and fun. When you did things right and the team gelled it was great.

That synergy though only lasts so long as the admin stays with the team they built, I'd say.

agreed. that's why i think everything's falling apart now that vancy left. i mean, it started to fall apart while vancy was still there too, but that was his fault. he had a good thing going for a little while

l agree. Like I said earlier, and as Lashka said too, I think it'll work best if Jasper gets to really build the team from scratch.

It'll be up to him though. If he wants to do it and has the time, I think he certainly can.
over 9 years
Yeah I get you Mika. You have a pretty good outlook on this so yeah I agree with you.
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
i enjoy spending my time on this site playing mafia and mingling with you forum-folks. like this post if you agree.
over 9 years

Slow says

modding at the end of the day is like three to four hours a day that you don't get back for a site that sucks for users you don't really like.

Indeed. Yet people forget this all the time, even ex-mods
over 9 years
i only like 5 players and 3 of them are alts of that 4th player
deletedover 9 years
Also; with admin-changes - when they're pre-planned they go fine. Such as Laexio -> Sachy, and Sachy -> Me. Like the old Roman idea of the next emperor co-emperoring with the current emperor until their death.

It's when they're sudden and the other person has no real experience of adminning that they go breasts up. Which is why every admin change since Me -> Arcbell has had so many issues.
over 9 years
I like you guys. Exept thos i know.