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ways roles can be fixed

almost 10 years

post ways roles that are bad can become good

Journalist: differentiate between reports.

Janitor: erase wills. wills are pretty much the bane of this role.

Enforcer: instead of just preventing conversion (next to useless), prevent mafia from being converted and switch other conversions to traitor.

Paralyzer: give him two votes when he uses his power. it's situationally unlikely enough that he'll ever have a use for his power, the extra vote would help.

Fabricator: add keys to fab items. fab is already a good role, but nothing beats a false sense of security.

Lyncher: win on lynch, not on death, unless lynch is overturned. this would fix lyncher being unwinnable on tree/gallis

Siren: if siren predicts her killer, don't kill her. seriously. alternatively: drunk all visitors, in addition to killing if guessing correctly (which is still hard enough)

note this is the perspective of a sandbox player and if you play comp you might not agree because some crappy setup uses one of these roles and depends on its shortcomings

over 9 years
Disguiser shoud work like framer, and be able to change wills. Too many people lose because people just say their names in the will.
over 9 years
I think saboteur, if it doesn't already (which, according to its page it doesn't) should be able to sabotage all items. Probably at random if the target has more than one non-sabotaged item.

This would convert any item into it's fabbed version, and maybe even do so for items the fabricator can't fab, like turning bombs into duds.
over 9 years

Foxie says

Nocturnul says

how to improve keymaker, sniper and survivor:

remove them

theres literally nothing wrong with those roles

I'd agree with keymaker if fab is changed like you suggested
over 9 years

Nocturnul says

how to improve keymaker, sniper and survivor:

remove them

theres literally nothing wrong with those roles
over 9 years
I dont know if anyone has said this but:

Buff bodyguard: he is a weaker version of trapper/surgeon

Baker: remove suicide/veg causing famine
over 9 years
how to improve keymaker, sniper and survivor:

remove them
over 9 years
driver is broken as hell:

a. if you nl your meetings, your day and night collide
b. if you drive a mason target to yourself you get masoned
over 9 years

littlesishiyoko says

Foxie says

Wins at 12 o'clock. No other way.

then what if they're one of the last two, or even the last one, standing?

then they better hope the other person completes their clock
over 9 years

Foxie says

Wins at 12 o'clock. No other way.

then what if they're one of the last two, or even the last one, standing?
over 9 years
Revised clockmaker:

Clock starts at 8.
Chooses one person to kill each night.
If victim is villager, clock goes up 2 hours.
If victim is mafia, clock goes up 1 hour.
If victim is third party, clock goes down 3 hours.
Gets an extra life if clock goes to 11 o clock.
Dies immediately if clock lands on 6.
Wins at 12 o'clock. No other way.

1. Clockmaker cannot autowin or autolose n1 by hitting 3rd, however can be put into a situation where hitting mafia is undesirable.
2. Clockmaker cannot win playing as killer, only by meeting his condition, and is therefor not an easy-mode alternative to killer.
3. Extra life is not awarded after a single kill, but instead must land on 1 town and 1 mafia.
over 9 years

PapaJacky says

Foxie says

taurarius says

Foxie says

you start to run into the problem of alien just being another cop/det/etc

just another mistletoe, who townsides far too often as it is

and unlike mistletoe alien actually can townside

counterargument for that is that there are a lot of maf-siding 3rds anyways (fool/lyncher/CM/etc) so having more/better town-siding 3rds wouldn't be the worst idea.

It wouldn't be a bad idea but things like werewolf and (99.999% of the time) mistletoe "townside" when they literally /can't/ townside. There just need to be more thirds like Survivor that actually /can/ win with town
over 9 years

Foxie says

I just had a thought: What if siren drunked visitors? It would make siren unkillable (still lynchable) while still difficult to win with (because predicting visitors is just too hard as it is). It also makes sense for siren to "distract" her visitors.

I support this mechanic just because it's probably the only balanced way to get my Stripper role into the game
over 9 years
I just had a thought: What if siren drunked visitors? It would make siren unkillable (still lynchable) while still difficult to win with (because predicting visitors is just too hard as it is). It also makes sense for siren to "distract" her visitors.
over 9 years
Then virgin would just become an auto-clear and instead of lynching virgin (which is hardly ever beneficial to town in the first place) everyone would just protect virgin and it would act as celebrity.

Besides, not knowing is what makes mafia mafia.
over 9 years
virgin should have a day action that says 'shine your innocence yes/no' or something similar. doesn't matter what, but it would make a system message appear, 'x glows with innocence', so that there is no doubt the person is virgin

the only point of this is to prevent fools, lightkeepers and bakers from claiming virgin, because people would say 'show virgin glow' or whatever the message would say
over 9 years
Mistletoe~Make it a parity cop, fully town-sided?
over 9 years

CooperD says

Shrink should NEVER be generated if there aren't any roles in play that can convert, period.

That can be said for a lot of roles: samurai, cthulhu with no cult, mortician with no tailor/janitor, thief with no items, etc.
deletedover 9 years
Shrink should NEVER be generated if there aren't any roles in play that can convert, period.
over 9 years

puddiouddi says

Alien: two probes a night, Cthulu: make people not able to talk sense at all its annoying when people out Thulu.

a simple solution to this would be to lowercase all letters and repeat every letter the same number of times so you can still sound insane but without cheating the system
deletedover 9 years
two probes a night is still basically a worse version of mistletoe... better off just deleting the role
over 9 years
Alien: two probes a night, Cthulu: make people not able to talk sense at all its annoying when people out Thulu.
over 9 years
Baker should be able to choose. "No One"
over 9 years

Foxie says

angel does work during the day (and definitely should; if it doesn't it's a bug)

I know that I tend to lynch my angel target and die in their place

alright I tested it, you are right that it does work on day kills (e.g. guns) however the reason why I said what I said was probably because of my experience of using my angel powers on my target and they get lynched and the lynch goes through despite that. I tested that in a game and it is confirmed, if you use your angel powers and your target gets lynched, they'll die regardless, unlike monk powers. Thus, my suggestion ought to be reworded so that angel protection works like monk protection and works on lynches as well.
over 9 years
angel does work during the day (and definitely should; if it doesn't it's a bug)

I know that I tend to lynch my angel target and die in their place
over 9 years

cyberbully says

i thought it did work during the day

no it doesn't. the role description even mentions that it only works during night kills.