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ways roles can be fixed

almost 10 years

post ways roles that are bad can become good

Journalist: differentiate between reports.

Janitor: erase wills. wills are pretty much the bane of this role.

Enforcer: instead of just preventing conversion (next to useless), prevent mafia from being converted and switch other conversions to traitor.

Paralyzer: give him two votes when he uses his power. it's situationally unlikely enough that he'll ever have a use for his power, the extra vote would help.

Fabricator: add keys to fab items. fab is already a good role, but nothing beats a false sense of security.

Lyncher: win on lynch, not on death, unless lynch is overturned. this would fix lyncher being unwinnable on tree/gallis

Siren: if siren predicts her killer, don't kill her. seriously. alternatively: drunk all visitors, in addition to killing if guessing correctly (which is still hard enough)

note this is the perspective of a sandbox player and if you play comp you might not agree because some crappy setup uses one of these roles and depends on its shortcomings

about 9 years
and since creepy girl only exists for sandbox yet nobody seems to like it

make cg doll protect its holder n1, adding a unique mechanic and preventing the stigma surrounding cg autowin
about 9 years
some people still think killing 3rds is the only way clockmaker wins
about 9 years
yes you would have to make sure it's not detrimental to comp, although really i don't see enforcer utilized much at all and i think this could only put it in the spotlight for better setups closed role or otherwise
about 9 years

admin says

Do people want the upgraded Enforcer? (able to redirect converts of nonmafias to traitors?)

I can only speak for sandbox setups since enforcer and shrink have been removed from pretty much every sandbox setup for a long time due to how pointless those roles are. That suggested change for enforcer would make it fun since the issue with enforcer in sandbox is that since games are almost always closed roles, there is no guarantee that an enforcer in a setup is gonna be any more useful than a regular maf (which have almost always been removed from sandbox setups for being too boring).

upgrading enforcer to be more powerful if there is any converting roles in a game and if they are good enough to intercept the conversion would make it a funner role for sandbox. however I can see it being bad for any non-closed roles setups with converting roles guaranteed since it'd make it much easier for maf to win if the enforcer intercepts a conversion.

tl;dr buffing enforcer should be something you ask main lobbiers since we're fine without it but any non-closed-roles games with enforcer may be drastically changed if that buff goes through.
about 9 years
alright fixed
about 9 years
Journalists can't currently tell if they were the one to receive the system message, or if it was the person they journo'd.
about 9 years
what do you mean by differentiate between reports (for journalist?)
about 9 years
Do people want the upgraded Enforcer? (able to redirect converts of nonmafias to traitors?)
deletedabout 9 years
i just want the priest to be able to throw holy water on the third party and burn the heathens
about 9 years
ITT sandbox wants to remove competitive roles for no reason
about 9 years

qowjdgns2 says

leader: remove role

judge: remove role

paparazzi: remove role

whisperer: remove role

suspect: remove role

civilian: remove role

ashtonvann says

maid: just delete the role altogether

qowjdgns2 says

two probes a night is still basically a worse version of mistletoe... better off just deleting the role

Nocturnul says

how to improve keymaker, sniper and survivor:

remove them

deletedabout 9 years
Here's another way to fix them: Delete them
about 9 years
okay anyways.

Don should get a meeting even when NLing or lynching mafia even if the overrule will not work, otherwise claiming/ccing gov is not possible.
about 9 years
you missing the point mate

that is how it works now, this is known, i know this, i even stated it
im saying it's bad and shouldn't work like that because the title of this thread is "ways roles can be fixed" not "observe ways roles currently work"

enough irrelevant spam
about 9 years
yes sorry i edited my post because i didnt see that part, but anyways you did hide besides someone that visited you
about 9 years

cub says

let survivor hide behind visiting roles again

yes i know how it works now, and no that isn't how it worked for the last 2 years this is a recent change. vivor can't hide behind anyone now, chances of using survivor mechanic to win now are about as high as using siren mechanic to win
about 9 years
you hid behind a Stalker which visited you
about 9 years
just got killed as survivor when hiding because you can't hide behind anyone anymore

absolutely useless role now
about 9 years

let survivor hide behind visiting roles again, now that it can't it the mechanic is almost always useless unless there's tree and vivor chance of surviving is no different than any other player when it should be higher

vivor hiding is already balanced without not being able to
over 9 years
There's currently a trick people can use when playing prophet where if they simply don't pick a reading and wait for kicks they can delay predictions. This may be a glitch, but I think it would actually be better for prophet mechanics if it could just delay predictions. Then there's a good balance of guessing before you die and having a better chance of guessing correctly, so gameplay as prophet doesn't suck eggs.
over 9 years
We can't get rid of snipers tho. Snipersgonnasnipe needs to stand for something!
over 9 years
I agree with Foxie's points on all the roles mentioned.
over 9 years
nvm didnt see this was on the OP
over 9 years
god im sick of rolling jan with ****ing wills
over 9 years
Stop CM being able to win n1.
When a guiser guises, implement the guiser's will instead of the target's.
Allow thulhu to win if last 2 standing.
Have terrorist work through vests - it's a certain maf death, which should be in exchange for a certain town death.
Perhaps give angel more than one save per game.