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answer the user above you

about 10 years

answer question, ask question

if someone doesn't ask or answer a question in their post you can ignore it and just respond to the last question

about 9 years
Stop Malcolm Butlering my questions with your posts nobody cares about.

Favorite mid-shelf brown liquor?
deletedabout 9 years
I have decided that I am going to go out tonight, being that I am already drinking, and I just got this hot girl's number. I swear, I am honestly this good.
about 9 years

Aspire is a really good mod and is fair and not assisting dirty cheaters.

Favorite mid-shelf brown liquor?
about 9 years
2014 best sandbox player winner, em user hood

your favorite epicmafia site moderator?
about 9 years

Best sandbox player?
about 9 years

best meme
about 9 years
grandma got ran over by a reindeer

what holiday movie do you hate the most
about 9 years

belovedprincess says

Harry Potter movie marathon.

Favourite Harry Potter movie?

most of them

favorite christmas movie?
deletedabout 9 years
OK, that's enough troll for now.
deletedabout 9 years
Foxie doesn't ignore me, btw., Ace. She is just at a loss as to how to relate to me.
deletedabout 9 years
But my Wednesdays suck so bad. ;-;

I gotta work out like a proper drinking/gym rotation or something.
deletedabout 9 years
See, if I don't go out tomorrow night though, then I can't go out the next night either, because I'm going to the gym tomorrow, and can't have second day of muscle recovery coinciding with a hangover, because it kills gains hard.

So should I definitely not go out tomorrow night?
deletedabout 9 years
Christmas; same thing.
deletedabout 9 years
Harry Potter movie marathon.

Favourite Harry Potter movie?
about 9 years
No, I don't think you should. I strongly believe in relaxing and preparing yourself for tough days.

Favorite thing about the winter?
deletedabout 9 years

JohnnyAppleseed says

Thank you for not having a weird-looking peeny.

Favorite Dorito?

Yeah, I get these too. Only they're more in the form of 'Holy sh*t!' (because I am well-endowed, ofc).

Sorry, lol.
deletedabout 9 years

Ace says

I do have the option, and I ignore them

Nicest compliment you've ever genuinely got?

This girl told me last week that I was nothing special, but clearly didn't believe it, and melted when I smiled at her for it.

Or another girl last week told me she could sit in my dimples, to which I replied 'So long as you're sucking something while you're sitting in them', and she also melted.

The best compliments are leaving the next person speechless.

Question: Should I go out tomorrow night? (I have a tough day Wednesday.)

Doritos, my a-ss.
about 9 years
Thank you for not having a weird-looking peeny.

Favorite Dorito?
about 9 years
I do have the option, and I ignore them

Nicest compliment you've ever genuinely got?
about 9 years

cub says

what do you think of people who don't ask questions

I dislike them
what would you do to them if you had the option
deletedabout 9 years
I have asked you a bunch of questions, none of which you've answered, foxie.

And you're still pretty cool.
about 9 years
what do you think of people who dont ask questions
deletedabout 9 years
I'd go back to when my mom and dad were my age, drink with them, maybe fight my old man, flirt with my mom a little for lulz (obviously wouldn't go further than that). I cannot imagine a better use of time travel than that.
deletedabout 9 years
Security Guard from Final Destination

If you could go back to any time in history what time would you visit?
about 9 years
Aloe Vera

Favorite chocolate