Getting the "This computer has been registered by xxx" message and need a whitelist?Just post here to be whitelisted! Please also tell us why you need the request--perhaps you share an apartment with an EM'er or the site is registering your computer with some other random user.
Can you whitelist ConfuciusSay he is my roommate and is whining right now... -You wake up early bla bla register to Putka f**k you and your register you suck is why you do this to me... and all that so if you can do that that would be great.
As instructed Polo, could you please whitelist a bunch of my accounts (listed on skype) and a bunch of Splints accounts (listed on skype)? Thanks in advance.
Hi, I was wondering if you could whitelist user damump? He's my brother and he would also like to partake in the playing of the epicosity in mafia to the best of his ability. :3
Ahnoed sent a message to MeIody 1h 1m ago « Back Reply Whitelist request Hi Melody,
I understand that this may possibly be against the rules, but I would like to request several names to be whitelisted. We live in the same house and want to play Epicmafia strictly among friends but none of us have the time to play 20 games in order to post onto the Whitelisting thread. If you could whitelist the 4 of us, it would be greatly appreciated.