Getting the "This computer has been registered by xxx" message and need a whitelist?Just post here to be whitelisted! Please also tell us why you need the request--perhaps you share an apartment with an EM'er or the site is registering your computer with some other random user.
Whitelist Bearguru so I can play 5 of his hearts for him on Friday and maybe Saturday. You can dewhitelist him on Sunday if you want (I've had whitelist privileges for years). I have proof of him asking me to do it:
I live together in a appartment with some one who also wants to play Epicmafia. Is it possible to get him whitelisted? His name is M00T420 and my name is Johnkarton.
Can I have a whitelist? I'm currently living with Hevyweaponsdelphox, and I got the message last night, and possibly wrongly blamed him for taking my computer.