i'm not reading through all this stuff so let me just get to the simple truth that i have not once supported or pushed for prevail to be unbanned. thank you and gayd night.
i feel bad for bronto because this is one of those calls that is completely sound and fine on paper, but in reality is a really bad one.
We'll see, I don't have anything personally vested in this decision. I'm just trying to be fair and not leave people banned forever. If she cheats again then she'll be banned again. Other people with similar histories have been given chances, some have improved and others have gotten rebanned. It's not that big of a deal imo.
And thanks for coming forward, Melody. You didn't leak anything though since you did that digging independently. It's cool, don't worry about it.
First of all, before accusations of which mod leaked come out, it was me, however I had permission to seek out information from a couple knowledgeable sources about the story with Prevail.
So it wasnt really -leaking- since I had permission to. Let me say first of all that the Goodbar push thing is baseless and I never said that. The people I requested info from accused him of it. I didnt want to leak that part of mod information though I did try to tame their fears down iirc.
This is a tough case and I back his decision for now--he is simply trying to be unbiased in light of recent cases. It /is/ hard to be admins/mods without a lot of history so please be patient. Thank you.