about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

deletedalmost 10 years
[7/28/14, 12:37:55 AM] Kelly: this isnt about me
[7/28/14, 12:37:58 AM] Kelly: this is about you
[7/28/14, 12:38:00 AM] Kelly: and your moment
deletedalmost 10 years

Love says

weave is a girls best friend

o my gosh u r like so prettttyy

deletedalmost 10 years
weave is a girls best friend
almost 10 years
[img]http://imgur.com/C3Jw4Jb[/img] some time wasted
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years

Love says

my new favourite poster in this thread!
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years
i bet a dolphin wouldn't snuggle me like calvin does
almost 10 years

b0oty says

pls do not yll @ me :( i am sensitive

sorry b0oty :[
almost 10 years

Guernica says

Satan says

DOLPHINS ARE PROBABLY THE COOLEST ANIMALS ALIVE B0OTY. and guernica i highly recommend supporting the illegal capture of dolphins and going to a dolphinarium!


just don't touch their blowhole and you can hug them all you want!
almost 10 years
pls do not yll @ me :( i am sensitive
almost 10 years

Satan says

DOLPHINS ARE PROBABLY THE COOLEST ANIMALS ALIVE B0OTY. and guernica i highly recommend supporting the illegal capture of dolphins and going to a dolphinarium!

almost 10 years
DOLPHINS ARE PROBABLY THE COOLEST ANIMALS ALIVE B0OTY. and guernica i highly recommend supporting the illegal capture of dolphins and going to a dolphinarium!
almost 10 years

b0oty says

the first post was for u i was just shy :$ i miss ya chilli heh hope yer well

i'm doing very well! i just check into EM every now and then to see whats going on... except it's all new people :(
almost 10 years
the first post was for u i was just shy :$ i miss ya chilli heh hope yer well
almost 10 years

Satan says

i guess the sunblock would wash off and get in the water. and the chemicals in the sunblock could be harmful to the eyes/skin/etc?? idk at least they look out for their illegally captured dolphins!

o snap ive never been near a dolphin before, that makes sense

b0oty says

ur alright 2 guernica ;;)

dolphins are scary as *** as if u let that thing touch u

hi qt pie :*
almost 10 years
ur alright 2 guernica ;;)

dolphins are scary as *** as if u let that thing touch u
almost 10 years
everythin about u gives me an intrnet bon*r u r so cute i wana put u in my pocket so smiley always i love it.
almost 10 years
i guess the sunblock would wash off and get in the water. and the chemicals in the sunblock could be harmful to the eyes/skin/etc?? idk at least they look out for their illegally captured dolphins!
almost 10 years

Satan says

they wouldnt let us wear sunblock

wat, r the dolphins allergic or somethin
almost 10 years

me without a beard, supporting the illegal capturing of bottlenose dolphins.

also they wouldnt let us wear sunblock so i wore a shirt. i got the gnarliest farmers tan
almost 10 years
me @ a LoL LAN
at SuperCon

almost 10 years

QRich says

i think togepi is hot af i shoulve been nicer to her..>.>

omg do u think shes hotter than me
almost 10 years

Love says

what bennychaos is bald??

ya ive been shaving my head like that for about a year and a half
almost 10 years
ops altpost