about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

almost 10 years
peta once again does not understand a single thing that happened here
almost 10 years
Holy moly pranay came onto a Mafia girl in the most appalling and embarrassing way imaginable and then got frustrated as *** shortly thereafter
almost 10 years
pranay got majorly C*ck Blocked by bronto
almost 10 years
dezerie did i scare you?? if i did then you should just tell me. i dont want any trouble here.
almost 10 years
pranay back the *** up dez is mine
almost 10 years
To me, it seems like an urban dictionary post, but calm yo *** (my juicy *** are calm).
deletedalmost 10 years
pranay is so mad lmao
deletedalmost 10 years
pranay it says keep it CIVILIZED you have scared poor dez~
almost 10 years
hey look bronto wants to give me an IC vio for using the word juicy
almost 10 years
and where did you find that description?? what says that the description is a fact? stop spreading stupid things bronto. mind your own business
almost 10 years
Im literally dying
almost 10 years
what is it here that you do not find clean? can you stop poking your nose in everything people do? go stop the banned users from getting mod accounts. stop troubling normal people and stop keeping people from enjoying things that are absolutely fine and according to the rules. stop freaking changing the rules according to your wish.
almost 10 years
[15:57:05] Bronto: Juicy
Term given to a young girl with high sex appeal, fresh skin and a shapely figure.

Often related to curves of a round butt and large breasts.
Person 1: Damn that girl is so hot. Her 34Es are so juicy!
Person 2: I just wanna squeeze those juicy jugs. They would drip sex if I did you know.
almost 10 years

thebrontosaurus says

Let's keep it clean. This isn't craigslist's casual encounters.

almost 10 years
Let's keep it clean. This isn't craigslist's casual encounters.
almost 10 years
well that is nowhere near what i meant. so google gave you the wrong answers
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
umm, that means people would enjoy drinking you
almost 10 years
I feel flattered, although I don't know what "juicy" should mean.. I know you meant it as a compliment, but it perplexes me, as to what a "juicy girl" is like o.O
almost 10 years
well i meant that if i were not engaged i would have a crush on you <3
almost 10 years
Damn Baby You Juicy
deletedalmost 10 years
died from laughter
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years

dezeriae says

I never thought I'd post it, but since site is getting shut down, might aswell

im sorry i never knew you were a girl. Your name didnt give that impression. All I wanna say is that you are incredibly juicy.
deletedalmost 10 years
clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth