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chatft script

over 7 years

adds features to chat

  • rudimentary markdown support (bold italics underline strike)
  • $img [url] support, valid extensions only (/fmt off if you use ej)
  • makes links clickable
  • clickable emoji box, divided by category
  • makes emojis 1.6em big
  • adds em oats (list)
  • adds a button to expand lobby chat
  • auto-focus chat input when typing

it's a very small script, easy to modify if you want

thanks foxy
10 signed
cool script, im going to use it, thumbs up
favorite feature
made by cub
emoji box
clickable links
deletedabout 7 years
how do you use bold italic underline in chat.
over 7 years
Good script
over 7 years

YHWH says

cub you f'ucking re'tard ... why markdown and not some sane prefix grammar...

because people without the script who see *this* will have a clearer, more natural understanding of what it means than [​i]this[/​i]

markdown is basically made for chatting and backwards readability
over 7 years
^- SJW
over 7 years
cub you f'ucking re'tard ... why markdown and not some sane prefix grammar...
over 7 years
updated with :ditto: :lick: and :squirtle:, set max-height for custom-emote (blocks the chat clear gif), made $img embed css non-invasive, added error check to $img for valid url
over 7 years
nevermind i see what it is

setting max-width for $img embed overrides the emote max-width for some reason

i have a solution and also i can set max-height on .custom-emote too in case anyone still uses my blank gif
over 7 years
not for me
over 7 years

cub says

whimsicott already exists

the others will be in the next update

Ya but its too big.

over 7 years
whimsicott already exists

the others will be in the next update
over 7 years

cub says

i need the emotes to go with that




over 7 years
i need the emotes to go with that
over 7 years

cub says

i was giving you a mental workout

by the way if anyone wants to suggest emotes feel free

:lick: :squirtle:
over 7 years
updated to make certain emojis that didn't show properly before (because windows is gay) work now

over 7 years
over 7 years
updated with my own better slimmer emoji regex and fixed the error with spy/agent messages (for some reason they have .msg_wrapper class instead of .msg) and also added a failsafe for similar problems
over 7 years
i was giving you a mental workout

by the way if anyone wants to suggest emotes feel free
over 7 years

cub says

fixed markdown messing up links, emoji scaling code ranges (should be all of them i think), and made it so #window css is only modified if chat is expanded so i wasted above user's time

over 7 years
yet another update, this time i think i finally fixed the big emoji code ranges using a mammoth regex i copied from somewhere

also, i moved the emoji button and (new) markdown toggle button to the top of chat (or next to chat if you're in-game)
over 7 years
fixed markdown messing up links, emoji scaling code ranges (should be all of them i think), and made it so #window css is only modified if chat is expanded so i wasted above user's time
over 7 years
over 7 years
it didn't autoupdate for me so it gave me option to reinstall
deletedover 7 years
Maybe you should add a button for pinging people that are afk. A louder one than @everyone. But I dunno if it will work to people who don't have this script. Or you could use 1 sound that's already in EM.
over 7 years
added a button to expand lobby chat

also made it auto-focus chat when you start typing if you aren't already typing somewhere or holding the ctrl key
over 7 years
On my phone rn but I can try later