okay i figured it out: i accidentally appended the button to a form (the chat input is a form for some reason), so when the form is submitted (you chat) it would also click the button
so I fixed that, made the button fit better in both game and lobby chat (text shouldn't go behind the button now), and also I added
oatsyou have to be a real old timer to remember that script
basically it adds emotes to the site
the current list:
:angel: :arrgh: :bird: :blush: :buffufu: :charlotte: :chefufu: :chill: :coffufu: :cryfu: :cthfulfu: :dalek:
:dikdik: :eful: :feels: :flufu: :fufixit: :fuflex: :fuflower: :fufool: :fufruit: :fufu: :fufuf: :fufull: :fufunky: :fufuroll: :fufuu: :fufuzela: :fuuf: :gaws: :gay: :glad: :gorf: :hamtaro: :isay: :kappa: :knifufu: :kungfufu: :leafufu: :licky: :lub: :michael: :nerdfufu: :mudkip: :ohno: :omg: :pikachu: :pengfufu: :pepe: :poutyfufu: :rainfu: :roadkill: :seedot: :sleepy: :snoop: :swag: :tofufu: :uffu: :ufuf: :ufufu: :waifufu: :wat: :weed: :whimsicott: :wink: :wwybwds:
em oats is 2 years old so some of them might not work, but it won't try to replace existing site emotes so shouldn't be a problem