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chatft script

almost 7 years

adds features to chat

  • rudimentary markdown support (bold italics underline strike)
  • $img [url] support, valid extensions only (/fmt off if you use ej)
  • makes links clickable
  • clickable emoji box, divided by category
  • makes emojis 1.6em big
  • adds em oats (list)
  • adds a button to expand lobby chat
  • auto-focus chat input when typing

it's a very small script, easy to modify if you want

thanks foxy
10 signed
cool script, im going to use it, thumbs up
favorite feature
made by cub
emoji box
clickable links
almost 7 years
you can use one of the em oats emotes to test it
almost 7 years
i think it auto updates
almost 7 years
If we already downloaded it did tampermonkey auto update the script or do I need to reinstall
almost 7 years
okay i figured it out: i accidentally appended the button to a form (the chat input is a form for some reason), so when the form is submitted (you chat) it would also click the button

so I fixed that, made the button fit better in both game and lobby chat (text shouldn't go behind the button now), and also I added oats

you have to be a real old timer to remember that script
basically it adds emotes to the site

the current list:
:angel: :arrgh: :bird: :blush: :buffufu: :charlotte: :chefufu: :chill: :coffufu: :cryfu: :cthfulfu: :dalek: :dikdik: :eful: :feels: :flufu: :fufixit: :fuflex: :fuflower: :fufool: :fufruit: :fufu: :fufuf: :fufull: :fufunky: :fufuroll: :fufuu: :fufuzela: :fuuf: :gaws: :gay: :glad: :gorf: :hamtaro: :isay: :kappa: :knifufu: :kungfufu: :leafufu: :licky: :lub: :michael: :nerdfufu: :mudkip: :ohno: :omg: :pikachu: :pengfufu: :pepe: :poutyfufu: :rainfu: :roadkill: :seedot: :sleepy: :snoop: :swag: :tofufu: :uffu: :ufuf: :ufufu: :waifufu: :wat: :weed: :whimsicott: :wink: :wwybwds:

em oats is 2 years old so some of them might not work, but it won't try to replace existing site emotes so shouldn't be a problem
almost 7 years
apparently pressing enter in games toggles the emoji list for some reason and i have no idea why ??
almost 7 years
how else would other people format your messages
almost 7 years
Is there a way such that you could remove the asterisks from other people's perspectives if markdown is used from a chatft user's perspective?
almost 7 years
can we replace the list of games with the classic picture of goatse
almost 7 years
: (
almost 7 years
At first I was hyped that there was an emoji box, but once I learned that it had markdown support, images, clickable links, and was made by cub, I became repulsed. How could anyone use such a terrible script?
almost 7 years
fixed emotes not working oops
almost 7 years
cleaned it up
almost 7 years
but does it tell time?