over 7 years

I've been thinking a lot about empathy, between my classes and things going on politically. Having or not having empathy is not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just having the ability to share in someone else's emotions as well as understand them. Besides I find more people to be sympathetic than empathetic.


This is an empathy quotient test. It would be cool to see how empathetic or not empathetic the community is (:

My score: 70/80

p.s. at the end it talks about how an under 30 could be indicative of an autism spectrum disorder but please don't take that as any sort of diagnosis // happy test taking!

are you more sympathetic or empathetic or neither?
over 7 years
over 7 years

harodihg says

im smart and ur not floor so before u make any further posts here pls PM me them for approval

posting on the forums is illegal unless u have CNN's approval. did u do that already
over 7 years
46 boi
over 7 years

That was a close one lads
deletedover 7 years
cub i think u and i are the only smart people here. wanna team up and pwn these nerds?
over 7 years

Floor says

To answer these questions we'll have


avoid them altogether?
over 7 years

Kaworu says

i'm just providing another side for you to consider, since you said you wanted other people's opinions. but it seems you only like to argue so. bye

I'm giving you something to consider

this is how a discussion works. why am i not accepting what you're saying? why aren't you accepting what I'm saying?

people who bail on a debate because "you refuse to accept what I'm saying" need to do some introspection. if you're arguing against someone's position, you are refusing to accept what they're saying. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but you are.
deletedover 7 years
im smart and ur not floor so before u make any further posts here pls PM me them for approval
over 7 years

thelastchromosome says

do u think its important to look smart cub

But what is "important"?



Or Even


To answer these questions we'll have

deletedover 7 years
im the smart man now.

i hate engaging u idiots, shove off!!
over 7 years
i think you are smartest
deletedover 7 years
not smart enough to read the f*cking question
deletedover 7 years
sh'it................do u think im smart dr. chromsome?
deletedover 7 years
each minute you dont respond im gonna cut a thirty secondth inch deeper
deletedover 7 years
like people will pretend to like smart people so they can talk to the smart person and look smart because theyre talking to who they think is a smart person but they wont have the same connection theyll have with a not smart person
deletedover 7 years
i think people dont usually like smart people what do you think harodihg
deletedover 7 years

cub says

also don't say "my points just aren't getting across"

i can say the same to you because you're not getting what I'm saying. who's right? nobody. pointless statement, don't be like floor and bdog

yeesh... i actually do get what youre saying, i'm just providing another side for you to consider, since you said you wanted other people's opinions. but it seems you only like to argue so. bye
deletedover 7 years
my favorite kind of ice to have in a drink is the really crushed up kind cuz when u get the big ice blocks they always obstruct ur drinking or fall on ur face when u tilt the glass back
deletedover 7 years
do u think its important to look smart cub
deletedover 7 years
relentless pwnage
over 7 years
also don't say "my points just aren't getting across"

i can say the same to you because you're not getting what I'm saying. who's right? nobody. pointless statement, don't be like floor and bdog
over 7 years
you're telling me that "encourages" is not the same as "motivated"

there's only one way to distinguish between your hypothetical "true selflessness" and being motivated by feeling: if you do not in any way feel good about what you're doing. otherwise, the action will always be tainted by self interest, no matter how much you want to diminish it because you cannot erase it. if there's self interest, it is not selfless
deletedover 7 years

cub says

Kyanite says

I guess Kaworu and cub are on the 'chicken first or egg first' phase of the argument? Since they're arguing on whether the motive of 'i feel good for helping them' or the motive of 'i feel good because they felt good' came first


also either way it's based on personal gain

both things you said are "i feel good," doesn't matter when. you also just instinctively know that helping people feels good because it's part of human nature; we wouldn't have survived otherwise i mean can you go toe to toe with a tiger i dont think so


there is a difference. one is being motivated solely by the good feeling that comes with it. the other is being motivated solely by the desire to help others, and the good feeling only encourages the behavior.

kinda sad that none of my points are getting across to you, but oh well
deletedover 7 years
does that mean if you feel bad when animals die ur lowkey a furry?
over 7 years
also if you look at the science of it, particularly mirror neurons, the whole basis of empathy is seeing yourself in someone else's position

it's through ourselves that we are able to help others