over 7 years

I've been thinking a lot about empathy, between my classes and things going on politically. Having or not having empathy is not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just having the ability to share in someone else's emotions as well as understand them. Besides I find more people to be sympathetic than empathetic.


This is an empathy quotient test. It would be cool to see how empathetic or not empathetic the community is (:

My score: 70/80

p.s. at the end it talks about how an under 30 could be indicative of an autism spectrum disorder but please don't take that as any sort of diagnosis // happy test taking!

are you more sympathetic or empathetic or neither?
over 7 years

cub says

another internet debate won

no, you're just not good at talking to people i think

in your three posts after mine you either misunderstood or took out of context so many things that i both don't know where to begin, and don't even want to begin correcting you
deletedover 7 years
cub if you do not respond you forfeit this battle of insight to the person who spends half his awake hours trying to dent his solid cedar wall with his forehead
deletedover 7 years
be careful cub, if u respond many more times thelastchromosme will win this internet debate post-ironically
deletedover 7 years
sometimes i think about what it would be like to think but then i realize im thinking and i go back to drooling on my keyboard
over 7 years
thank you
deletedover 7 years

cub says

i assume you're talking to me or bdog and you don't know what to think so you're trying to lolsarcastically dismiss it all as intro to philosophy xd because philosophy is stupid haha

so i want to point out that i gave a real answer: selflessness doesn't exist; evidence: to desire to be selfless is to be selfish by its nature, as to be selfless is to not be concerned with yourself (see: the actual word)

if you disagree say why, if you can't don't be a memelord in response because that's overdone

you are correct i dont know what to think because i am very stupid and you are very smart
over 7 years
another internet debate won
over 7 years
to be honest i really don't like talking to you foxie, i've had my fill for another long while
deletedover 7 years
did you put a question mark at the end of ur statement just to frustrate me?
over 7 years
i assume you're talking to me or bdog and you don't know what to think so you're trying to lolsarcastically dismiss it all as intro to philosophy xd because philosophy is stupid haha

so i want to point out that i gave a real answer: selflessness doesn't exist; evidence: to desire to be selfless is to be selfish by its nature, as to be selfless is to not be concerned with yourself (see: the actual word)

if you disagree say why, if you can't don't be a memelord in response because that's overdone
deletedover 7 years
irrelevant ad hominem unrelated to the subject material please educate yourself?
deletedover 7 years
counterpoint: f'uck you gumby lookalike
deletedover 7 years
my only opinion is that i am better than other people. i pretend to have other opinions like with philosophy 101 essay questions that dont have real answers but its all just a reflection of i how am better than you and any opinion i pretend to have is correct
deletedover 7 years
that i am a better person than you
over 7 years
whats your opinion
deletedover 7 years
i have an opinion and i would like you all to know that i have arrived at my opinion rationally and that it is better than your opinion which is reflective of me being a better person than you
over 7 years
also that makes me think of a greater irony in tests like these: people who want to feel more virtuous will intentionally skew their answers to reflect what they think looks best rather than what's true to them

here's an easy one
1. I can easily tell if someone else wants to enter a conversation.

you probably read this and think "well if someone's looking at their feet they probably feel left out" and check "strongly agree"

6. I really enjoy caring for other people.

you probably support your friends when they're down and check "strongly agree" even if you're more likely to avoid caring for strangers. when you see a bum beside the road, you probably don't stop to donate a few dollars, but you'd love to think that about yourself

15. In a conversation, I tend to focus on my own thoughts rather than on what my listener might be thinking.

everyone is concerned with what the listener is thinking, otherwise they wouldn't be talking. because of this trait you share with everyone, you probably "strongly agree" even if you don't consider someone else's perspective beyond word choice

it's really interesting to think how people want to be seen as selfless, despite how contrary that is to the idea itself
over 7 years
also you don't lend someone something because you expect something in return, you do it because it makes you feel good about yourself as a person

selfishness isn't explicitly material

and your bottom line is wrong because it's based on an (invalid) assumption. you can't just make statements of truth justified by statements of misguided opinion, that ain't how logic works
over 7 years
what in the world does this have to do with determinism

also if you want to feel selfless, just think for a moment: if you were selfless, why would you care? it's inherently selfish

people just need to grow up enough to realize being selfish isn't the cardinal sin dense minds think it is, it's just as much motivation to do good as it is to do bad

it's not 'nihilistic', thinking it is however is ironically pretty 'nihilistic' because then you must therefore be asserting that should it be true, it's a bleak truth and not something perfectly fine, reasonable, and moral

i put single quotes around nihilistic because that's poor word choice
deletedover 7 years
i stroke my beard and attempt to break my personal breath holding record of 72 seconds while reciting yoda in my head
over 7 years
though perhaps my desire to believe in selflessness is selfish in itself because i got a 67 on the test
over 7 years

cub says

foxie's post about selflessness not being real that i have to shorten so i can fit this into one post

at first, that sounds like a consequence, not a motivation. i can't help it if helping someone makes me feel good, it just happens. but anyways, i view this argument in the same light that i view determinism. yeah, it's pretty much inarguable. but you can't go around living your life thinking there's no point in accountability or ambition since everything is already set in stone. i mean, even yoda said that the future is always in motion. there's no point in going around and seeing these allegedly selfless acts and thinking "well they're only doing that so they feel good" eventually you're just going to devolve into nihilism. that being said, i can think of exceptions of both the reflexive altruistic and psychological altruistic kind that i don't think could be motivated by selfish sentiments. for example: giving a pencil to a person you'll never see again so they can write something crucial down. sure you could make the argument that you're subconsciously only doing it so that in the future someone may have the same thought process and reciprocate that kindness, but i don't buy that that kind of complex selfishness takes place in a snap judgment like that.

also: if everything you do, you do because it benefits you, what about things you DON'T do, that you know will benefit you?

bottom line: it seems that if you want to be hardline about it, you can't have altruism unless you're a nihilist. which is ridiculous.
over 7 years

bibty says

i got a 27 so i guess im autistic

over 7 years
Your Empathy Quotient score was 17 out of a possible 80.
over 7 years