over 7 years

I've been thinking a lot about empathy, between my classes and things going on politically. Having or not having empathy is not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just having the ability to share in someone else's emotions as well as understand them. Besides I find more people to be sympathetic than empathetic.


This is an empathy quotient test. It would be cool to see how empathetic or not empathetic the community is (:

My score: 70/80

p.s. at the end it talks about how an under 30 could be indicative of an autism spectrum disorder but please don't take that as any sort of diagnosis // happy test taking!

are you more sympathetic or empathetic or neither?
over 7 years
i got 50

i feel like half of the questions were totally irrelevant and i think im a pretty empathetic person
over 7 years
i got 43/80. Proud to be just as empathetic as user empathy
over 7 years

are you more sympathetic or empathetic or neither?

i'm mostly pathetic
over 7 years
I am an autist
over 7 years
I'm putting that headline on my profile
over 7 years

sigh says

empathy (not the user) isn't real but there are things that make it look/seem real

Whenever we've had a discussion about empathy this has never been brought up but yeah in technicality I agree, mostly based on what I just read. I think the closest thing to empathy (besides sympathy) is the way mirror neurons work, and then pair that with compassion, sympathy, what have you, and I think that's basically what empathy is supposed to be.

for reference: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-theater-the-brain/201506/empathy-is-false-god
over 7 years
Your Empathy Quotient score was 43 out of a possible 80.

I was taught to be empathetic btw, it doesn't come naturally to me
deletedover 7 years
empathy (not the user) isn't real but there are things that make it look/seem real
deletedover 7 years
60 out of 80
over 7 years

Jimbei says

If you walk into a pizza place you'll more likely be able to get a slice off of Steph's plate rather than mine, that's what the test told me.

i might even give u 2
over 7 years
Hey friends
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
Your Empathy Quotient score was 18 out of a possible 80.
Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

Higher scores indicate greater levels of empathy.

47. I would be too nervous to go on a big rollercoaster.

better not hurt that roller coaster's feelings
deletedover 7 years
Your Empathy Quotient score was 51 out of a possible 80.

If you walk into a pizza place you'll more likely be able to get a slice off of Steph's plate rather than mine, that's what the test told me.
over 7 years
If there's any sort of confusion sympathy is the ability to understand someone else's feelings (usually only in terms of sorrowful things), whereas empathy is understanding as well as sharing in that feeling (according to the actual definition this could be for both happy or sorrowful things).