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Official Sandbox Big Brother Game

about 8 years

Link to the participants application:

Greetings everyone, this is a project that I've been wanting to do for a while but just now decided it was time.

Not long ago I was part of the EMBB3 cast, aka, a Big Brother game that lasts for a few months in Survivor Lobby (done via skype mostly)

I enjoyed my experience there and I thought it would be fun to host one for Sandbox.

I will explain the basics of the game in the first post of the thread rather than the OP as to not to go too long, but you can see some of it in this thread: (as this game will be heavily inspired by the Survivor Lobby one)

You should know that even though you will need a Skype account for this, its still a text-based game and you won't need to be on call or cam at all. Also, you can use an alternative Skype, but take in mind that almost-daily activity will be demanded, so you will need to use it.

The game will have 16 players. I mostly want Sandbox players, but players from other lobbies will be included, even if as a minority.

The application date is from today until February 15th. The game, will most likely start the 25th.

Link to the participants application:

I am also looking for co-hosts, of preference with some survivor experience but its not an exclusive requirement. Just hit me up in a PM if you are interested. I'll only pick another 1-2-3 co-hosts tho, so the main point of the thread is for participants.


1st place: $30 worth of EM tokens/games on humblebundle or indiegala + Gold Trophy on Bakerswag2

2nd place: $10 worth of EM tokens/games on humblebundle or indiegala + Silver Trophy on Bakerswag2

3rd place: Bronze Trophy on Bakerswag2

Note: The game will mostly happen on Skype and the cast will not be revealed until after the game starts, so you have to be fine with other people you may not even know having your skype, as it will be mandatory to add all the hosts, and strongly encouraged to add every single one of the houseguests. (It's up to you wheter or not to delete them once they or yourself get evicted)

I think this is all for now. Hope enough people apply. I'm already smelling those downvotes though!

Link to the participants application:

about 8 years
I am very excited to be revealed as the member of the cast.
about 8 years
hype hype hype
about 8 years
Three hours left
about 8 years
There will be a Fantasy Draft for this game, kind of like Fantasy Football game, with a $10 prize for the winner! (Obviously participants and hosts can not participate in this). I will explain this in more detail tomorrow, but basically you will be able to draft a team of 3-4 (TBD) participants, and these participants will be given a score based on some things that happen on the game, and at the end of the game, the person with the team that scored the highest will win the draft and get their prize! (Also note that this may get cancelled if not enough people are interested, to be frank I'm not giving out $10 if there are only like 5 people participating in the draft lmao)

Hope you guys are excited, I promise that this will be a fun game to watch from the outside, as we will be posting updates and logs of what happens in the game in a thread and trust me, there will be funny and dramatic moments you don't wanna miss!
about 8 years
Greetings everyone!

So, to start with, if I haven't contacted you at this point then I'm afraid you didn't make the cast. Sorry! There were some really good apps and really good users that applied but didn't make the cast, but we only had space for 16! We also mostly casted people based on their applications instead of based on what I knew about them.

We would love it if people that applied but didn't make it to the cast applied again when/if next season happens, though! We were really sad to cut down some of you, if it wasn't because 16 is a good number for these kind of games, specially for someone who never hosted one of these before like me, then we would've had a much bigger cast which included more people.

It'd be really nice of you if you could not say you didn't get casted though.

Obviously people that got casted already know to keep their cast a secret for now, so please keep doing it. It's only for a few more hours!

Anyways, the game is set to start out tomorrow at around 8PM EST. The cast will be revealed to the public at around 8:45PM EST though, once the participants have been added to the cast and spent their first few minutes together. I will be making another thread for this.
deletedabout 8 years
Cast Reveal is TOMORROW AT 8PM!
about 8 years
I am applying.
deletedabout 8 years
We are proud to say we that the we will do the cast reveal on Saturday, Feburary 25th at 8PM EST
deletedabout 8 years
We are excited to be able to host and gl to the players
about 8 years
also once i contact you, you will have around 48 hours to reply, and if you didn't by then we may also just remove you and cast someone else.

so use skype if you dont use regularly!
about 8 years
The applications are now closed.

Thanks to everyone that applied! We have already basically decided on a cast (we didn't get any new apps in the past two days or so) and we will start to contact them soon.

Note that I won't be contacting all of them today so if you don't get contacted, don't let your hopes down, there is a chance that you will get contacted during the next following days.

The game is set to start on February 25th, that means in 10 days from now.

While I'll be reminding the cast members it in private, you are to keep your casting as a secret until it's outed in public. Not doing so may end up with you not getting casted after all.

Anyways, good luck to everyone that applied!
about 8 years
last two hours or so!
about 8 years
closing this in like 5 hours!
about 8 years
its ok youll be seeing bumps in future threads once the game starts
about 8 years
it's truly been a roundabout path, can this really be the last day to apply? will everyone miss seeing this thread bumped on lobby wall?

farewell old friend who gave me diarrhea

deletedabout 8 years
i withdraw my withdrawal of my application, put me back in, coach
about 8 years
apps will close the 15th at 3PM EST
about 8 years
and thats last 2 days now!!
about 8 years
last 3 days!!
about 8 years
about 8 years
last 4 days :0 we actually received new apps yesterday so theres probably some people out there that didnt see this thread yet!
about 8 years

sammy says

i would like to withdraw my application

kk done
deletedabout 8 years
i would like to withdraw my application
about 8 years
5 days remaining! hurry up and send your apps already, we have already started talking and we have quite a few almost confirmed cast members, dont be left out!
about 8 years
under a week until we close the apps!