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Mod Applications

deletedover 7 years

Hello, Friends.

The mod team is looking a bit thin right now, so I thought I'd open Mod apps back up. I'll probably accept one to two new mods.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?

Please post your applications here, thanks!

deletedover 7 years
Ok I'm gonna do a real one this time I guess

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I've always been for the betterment of the community and trying to make sure that the site is a welcoming place for all players.

Why would you make a good moderator?
As I've stated above I want to make sure the site is a welcoming community. I want to be able to help new and old users and make sure they are enjoying their time on the site. My old status also means that I know the rules quite well.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Though I haven't been playing games as much lately (due to classes starting up and me adjusting) I still continue to get on EM every single day.

Which timezone are you in?
EST, but my sleep schedule is jacked so I'm up til like 3-4 AM every day.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm fairly well liked. Most everyone at least knows my name and I don't seem to have any problems with anyone on the site that I can think of. Plus terry rated me a 2 on the drama scale so that's cool.

Fun fact about you?
I'm in class next to a bunch of douche bag people right now. I'm crying. Please, help me.
deletedover 7 years
Last day to submit apps! 5 pm EST is when I"m going to lock this thread.
over 7 years
How active are you in Sandbox?
I believe that I am one of the most active users in this lobby. I am here every day but this past week I took a bit of a break as I do get bored of constantly winning these mafia games so I have to take short breaks to replenish my desire to dominate. I feel as though making me a lobby moderator would keep me busy on the site in addition to being an active game player and an active chatbox participant.

What timezone are you in?
I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone, yet I do not require much sleep so I do stay up very often later than many.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I believe in the past the public opinion of myself was not too good because I was fighting against a very influential group of individuals who were able to sway the public opinion about me -- but I am truly a man of the people and I am glad people are coming around to see that. I have helped this lobby and individuals in it so much. I have helped people create diet plans and workout routines, I have given people honest opinions on what they can improve on, and I have been here to lend an ear to those in need.

Fun fact about you?

I am not a troll -- this is something that is often misunderstood. I am very confident as I should be and people believe that having a high level of confidence makes you a troll -- it doesn't.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I would enjoy being a moderator as I care very much about this community and I strive to make it a better place each and every day my presence is felt here. I have fought against real corruption and abuse by both lobby moderators and site moderators and I hope to get the opportunity to have the ability to be a fair moderator. I think wielding the power to better this community paired with my influence will allow this lobby to be a safe and fun environment. I am excited to bring fun activities for our people and truly unite us.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I am a leader -- it is that simple. People come to me for advice, they come to me if they are having issues with other players or with administration because they know that I am here to truly protect them all. I have done much for this lobby since the second coming in which I returned including the creation of new roles, the exposing of a certain abusive and corrupt group within Sandbox, I have located and reported countless bugs on the site, and I have created many unique setups for our delightful lobby. I have also created a community on Skype to further connect our great people. In addition to this, I've possessed many leadership positions online and in the real world being a member of my high school Student Council and my university Student Council. I have led a group of over 50,000 users on ROBLOX. I was a very respected leader there. I am known here to be very unbiased and very fair and I do think I can prove that with the reports I will be moderating when I become a moderator.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

because i like being in a leadership position and i want some level of recognition on an online mafia site to fill the void in my heart. also it would be fun innit

Why would you make a good moderator?

unlike a large portion of the people on this site, i am sane. also im good company and im not corrupt and i spend too much of my life reading reports

How active are you in Sandbox?

active enough

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

i think most people think im aight

Fun fact about you?

im very willing to perform sexual favours to get in any sort of moderator position
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm fair
How active are you in Sandbox?
Which timezone are you in?
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
IDK ask the rest of them
Fun fact about you?
Almost died 2 years ago.

K mod me
over 7 years
You should have modded me 4 years ago.
deletedover 7 years
I say we decide this with a good old fashioned stand-up routine. Whoever has the funniest routine over tinychat gets mod.
deletedover 7 years
*Why do you want to be a moderator?*

I know how to properly mod every kind of violation/non-violation. I'm basically your best option.

*Why would you make a good moderator?*

Lobby modded under multiple owners for months at a time. I follow the rules because rules are meant to be followed. Who would want a moderator that constantly breaks the rules they enforce? I know I wouldn't.

*How active are you in Sandbox?*

So active I didn't even know there was a world outside of Sandbox.

*Which timezone are you in?*


*How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?*

The only people that don't like me are the ones that don't follow the rules.

*Fun fact about you?*

There's nothing fun about me. I obey the rules, I live by the rules, and I am the rules.

Jimbei says

go get rid of the unnecessary mods

Bebop only gets rid of all but the unnecessary mods
deletedover 7 years
go get rid of the unnecessary mods
over 7 years

Jimbei says

there are 65 reports open bebop go do your job properly

i do more reports than most of the other mods so you're asking the wrong guy
deletedover 7 years
there are 65 reports open bebop go do your job properly
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
so that i can do sandbox reports because currently they aren't being done properly

Why would you make a good moderator?
1 month of lobby modding
7 months of lobby owning
5 months of site modding
i have more experience than anyone applying

How active are you in Sandbox?
more active than the current mods

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
polarizing, but there are more people who like me than dislike me

Fun fact about you?
i'm struggling to come to terms with the fact that i look like a young robert plant
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I gotta make Sandbox great again. Also I only got to lobby mod for, like, a week before I stepped down so you know it would be a fun and cool time.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I am a powerful site mod with MANY useful tools and capabilities. I can actually apply vios. I can grant the gift of tokens among the people to calm their anger. I care little for public response to me, and will actually do stuff that benefits Sandbox, rather than what the perception of want is. Also I can mod upvote posts which makes you look cooler.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Oops forgot this on original post. Anyways, I'm on daily. I have an Epicmafia tab open in the background most times. I play games on my alts a fair amount and hang out in chatbox on my main.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

You know most people probably dislike me but I am unbothered. They are allowed to do that. I have people that do like me, though. So there's that. I assume most of the Big Boy Circlejerks dislike me though so. You know.

Fun fact about you?

I bought a bag of Werther's Originals Caramels the other day and they've been really good.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? I like reading the Sandbox reports as it is, so I think if I could rule on them as well it would be more exciting for me.

Why would you make a good moderator? I think that I'd be firm but understanding. Obvious trolls I'd deal with accordingly but someone whose a first time offender/in good standing I'd try to be more empathetic with.

How active are you in Sandbox? I'm on at least 3 days a week. And this upcoming semester I only have one class so I'll probably be more active than usual.

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? Apathy. Which would make me a good mod. No one particularly hates me so there won't be uproar of protest when I become a mod. No one is particularly close to me so I can be unbiased when dealing with reports.

Fun fact about you? I play piano and game shows. And I was on Wheel of Fortune. I also help run the EM Facebook page.
deletedover 7 years
BUMP, 3 more days to submit apps!
Why do you want to be a moderator?
-To stop trolls from disrupting games for long periods of time because their are no moderators around. Also to increase the response time that sandbox reports get dealt with because there a pretty big latency right now.

Why would you make a good moderator?
1. I have a firm knowledge of the site rules
2. I think I can deal with the grey area between what is allowed and what's pushing rule breaking

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm very active, usually more than a few hours each day

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Mostly Positive. Most of the dislike comes from the fact that I report people for HC

Fun fact about you?
I play the bass guitar
deletedover 7 years

nadaaver says

Fred I dont know how long you've been on this website but do not mod cory there are reasons they were banned

ur a fkin PONY
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? I don't REALLY want to be one cause I'm scared of someone hacking me to use my mod powers, but hey if that doesn't happen I could do some good

Why would you make a good moderator? I'm a nice, mature baby

How active are you in Sandbox? I use chatbox somewhat often and I play dice wars sometimes.

Which timezone are you in? GMT -3

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? I mean I don't think anyone hates me, I'm okay I guess

Fun fact about you? I made this cool stylish for lobby page and it lets you have a huge chatbox
and I'm gonna make my children watch digimon
over 7 years
Fred I dont know how long you've been on this website but do not mod cory there are reasons they were banned
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? because ive seen way too many ban evaders runnin around screwing up games that were already screwed up in the first place and i am gettin heccin tired of it. on top of that predators, pedophiles, and people spouting hate speech have been E V E R Y W H E R E. And not ven just on this lobby. And on top of that noavi killing has been increasingly frequent, driving away newer players and diminishing the sandbox community.

Why would you make a good moderator? I can be both fun and laid back and people can respect me but i can also be serious and stern and my god this sounds like a dating profile

How active are you in Sandbox? at least 4 hours a day, usually 6

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? All the people that are typically on can recognize me, and id consider them friends if not acquaintances. They seem to like me

Fun fact about you? I intern for my psychologist
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? bc i have been around for 5 years, and what better way to stop banned users from evading, than getting one of the Masters. think about it.

Why would you make a good moderator? im blonde, and tall.

How active are you in Sandbox? whenever my bf is working

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? everyone loves me, i am the best.

Fun fact about you? i have 2 ferrets.
deletedover 7 years

izzy says

Why do you want to be a moderator? I want to be a leader. I like the idea of being someone people can look up to. I'm not powerhungry at all, I just love to help in any way I can.

Why would you make a good moderator? I'm friendly, active in the community, and a good leader. I put together Sandbox Book Club and it would've survived better had people participated. There aren't too many people who have a negative opinion of me.

How active are you in Sandbox? I'm on at least once a day if not more.

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? Decently well-liked! I don't have too many enemies.

Fun fact about you? I have a black belt in karate.

u started a skype group with the intention of OPIng users
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

I just want a player description tbh