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Mod Applications

deletedover 7 years

Hello, Friends.

The mod team is looking a bit thin right now, so I thought I'd open Mod apps back up. I'll probably accept one to two new mods.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?

Please post your applications here, thanks!

I just want a player description tbh
deletedover 7 years
I'll leave this open until Wednesday the 18th at 5 pm EST. make sure to get your apps in before then!
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I want to help ensure that Sandbox's community is safe without being limiting. In the past, owners and mods alike have been lax about pedophiles, transphobia, and racism. It's not so much about cracking down about tiny things as it is about making sure that users, especially younger or newer users, aren't driven away or harmed by the hatred and irresponsibility of some older users/known creeps.

Why would you make a good moderator?
My whole EM clique is pretty much gone so there's zero chance of me being biased towards anyone. I would be dedicated to the work I'd do and I am fully willing to hear out both sides to any and all issues and help the other mods and the owner alike come to reasonable decisions.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm only pretty frequently, still play Sandbox games. Don't go to other lobbies, much.

Which timezone are you in?
Eastern US

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Hmm... I think there are maybe 3 or so users who I'm at odds with (this wouldn't really handle my moderation, since handling reports would be about lobby and site rules and not my personal feelings) but otherwise I would say most people don't feel one way or the other. A few people like me, I suppose.

Fun fact about you?
I can dislocate one of my shoulders and pop it back in.
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
to destroy sandbox

Why would you make a good moderator?
old account (2010), i have friends that have destroyed sandbox before

How active are you in Sandbox?
too active

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
terrible, especially with the weebs

Fun fact about you?
if my application is denied, i will in your mouth. if my application is accepted, i will in your mouth.
deletedover 7 years


Shadow Mod Application:

-No one will know


over 7 years
please put Chaika on the front page
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Mostly for coverage because it's incredibly annoying when there's 0 mods online and some banned user comes back and causes a commotion that no one can fix. I don't really wish to be a site mod, so the role of a lobby moderator sounds fitting.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I've been a site mod before, i've been on this site for a long time, and I have many past achievements to say so. I'm active in the community and generally don't involve myself as one of the victims or perpetrators in drama incidents.

How active are you in Sandbox?

I'm a chatbox warrior, slaying the undesirables.

Which timezone are you in?

PST. Let me just say that there is no PST in your team.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Mostly negative, i'm generally rude, but i'm at least self aware enough to not have a big ego with that as well (I hope.)

Fun fact about you?

I was always against Error the traitor.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I'm an egg

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm an egg

How active are you in Sandbox?
Very egg

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm an egg

Fun fact about you?
I'm an egg
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Everyone in sandbox is hot

Why would you make a good moderator?
Everyone in sandbox is hot

How active are you in Sandbox?
Very active ;)

Which timezone are you in?
AEST, which is really hot atm

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Not as hot as everyone else D:

Fun fact about you?
It's really hot here help
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I care about the sandbox people. Specifically those in [redacted]. Actually only those in [redacted]. Only care about top priority, right?

Why would you make a good moderator?
As I said when I contacted you last time, I am a 7/10 player. In the last year, however, I would bump myself up to about an 8.5/10 player. Time comes with its perks.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Possibly the most active player in sadbox.

Which timezone are you in?
All of them.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Every1 likes me, any1 who doesn't doesn't actually exist. Plus I'm buddy buddy with [redacted information]

Fun fact about you?
I'm about to be Freds mod.
over 7 years
I apply, to be a mod in the sandbox kingdom.
over 7 years
Submitted mine, although was over 2000 character's so just messaged instead.
over 7 years
The funniest thing about these apps is when people say they wanna "help do reports" when there's like 5 sandbox reports a week
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

cause i'm active anyway and so i can help people as much as i can, really

Why would you make a good moderator?

im really active and i think the general opinion on me is pretty good. ive tried to help out with roles and stuff too, showing that i do want to improve this site and sandbox where i can. ive alsobeen a mod in some other places so i know the drill

How active are you in Sandbox?

really active like a few hours each day usually. very active during the weekends

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

pretty good afaik, i get along well with nearly everyone

Fun fact about you?

i have a heartshaped birthmark on my right hand its pretty
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I enjoy helping out the community and I spend so much time on here I'd love to be useful with it.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm currently an admin of a group with 1.5k people in it, and is increasing steadily. I think I have a really good sense of morality, and realize the line between having fun and going too far. I'm familiar with how sandbox handles certain situations and reports and I feel like because I am not incredibly close with anyone, I can be an unbiased opinion when the position requires me to do so.

How active are you in Sandbox?
On for at least two hours every day rip.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I think I have a good reputation around here, but many people do not know me personally, despite me being on the site for a few years. They know I'm someone they can joke around with and who tries to be as fair as possible. Most people probably recognize my name from when I made and hosted Sandbox Assassin.

Fun fact about you?
I can whistle through my teeth. I bet platy and amelio can't do that.
deletedover 7 years
i want 2 be a moderator because i spend my whole life here anyway and i might as well be useful, tbh. *also i really love reading reports and it would be cool to handle them

i would make a good moderator bc i've moderated on forum sites in the past and i think i'm fairly responsible with stuff like that. i've also been on here for a really long time and i know the rules pretty well. i also know the game/roles inside out

i am very, very active on sandbox

i'm in central timezone

uhh i really don't know my public opinion, i'd like to think i'm pretty liked, i play a lot of games, so gameplayers know me, but i'm not very active in the chatbox, i don't get very ~entangled~ in forum drama, i just watch from afar

fun fact: i've been on this site on and off for like a million years, the majority of which has been spent in sandbox
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Because I really like this site and want to give back to the epicmafia community

Why would you make a good moderator?

I know the ins-and outs of the website, I'm qualified in moderating other internet websites which will benefit this position, I don't accept any friends on this site so I will never be bias towards other players.
How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Pretty good, nothing that would affect my position as moderator

Fun fact about you?

I know how to hack this site
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? no

Why would you make a good moderator? im a sod

How active are you in Sandbox? yes

Which timezone are you in? EST best timezone

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? on a scale of 1 to jamalmarley i'm weeb/10

Fun fact about you? fact: im fun
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Just want to give back to a community I've been a part of for years.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I've done it before and I believe I've done a good job during the few days I was moderator. No one had any complaints last I heard. I'm very unbiased, don't hold grudges, and fair.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Pretty active. I'm on every day.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Tends to be between "Don't know him" to "Positive". I'd like to think not many people dislike me.

Fun fact about you?

I'm secretly Fred.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
i just wanna help with reports honestly

Why would you make a good moderator?
i wouldnt but i already spend most of my time reading reports

How active are you in Sandbox?
im on like everyday

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
positive, i guess? i dont think too many people hate me

Fun fact about you?
im COOL and WOULD NEVER mod abuse
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Because i like using my time on em

Why would you make a good moderator?
I want to prevent bullying in the forums/chat and i am not judgmental, i want to respect everyone equally .I really believe i can make a difference here on epicmafia and making a place for everyone to have fun. I wont tolereret hate comments or bullying to each other and i want to create a fun environment were everyone can get involved.

How active are you in Sandbox?
i been on and off for a long while but being a mod will make myself more active like i used to be again

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I think am not hated for sure and the people who know me well always gets to like me too

Fun fact about you?
I have imaginary friends :))))))
over 7 years

Dikdik says

Sishen says

Dikdik says

Why do you want to be a moderator?
Why did Obama want to be President?

Why would you make a good moderator?
Dikdiks generally make good leaders.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?
Dikdik timezone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Won Best Alt 2016, so you tell me.

Fun fact about you?
Is a Dikdik.

applying on an alt should disqualify you on all accounts

My main is Sishen.

thats not what the moderators would say
over 7 years

Sishen says

Dikdik says

Why do you want to be a moderator?
Why did Obama want to be President?

Why would you make a good moderator?
Dikdiks generally make good leaders.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?
Dikdik timezone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Won Best Alt 2016, so you tell me.

Fun fact about you?
Is a Dikdik.

applying on an alt should disqualify you on all accounts

My main is Sishen.
over 7 years

Dikdik says

Why do you want to be a moderator?
Why did Obama want to be President?

Why would you make a good moderator?
Dikdiks generally make good leaders.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?
Dikdik timezone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Won Best Alt 2016, so you tell me.

Fun fact about you?
Is a Dikdik.

applying on an alt should disqualify you on all accounts
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Why did Obama want to be President?

Why would you make a good moderator?
Dikdiks generally make good leaders.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?
Dikdik timezone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Won Best Alt 2016, so you tell me.

Fun fact about you?
Is a Dikdik.