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Mod Applications

deletedover 7 years

Hello, Friends.

The mod team is looking a bit thin right now, so I thought I'd open Mod apps back up. I'll probably accept one to two new mods.

Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?

Please post your applications here, thanks!

over 7 years
A L L I T E R A T I O N.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I want everyone who joins sandbox to know im in charge(and also to ban baabaa)

Why would you make a good moderator?
i wont

How active are you in Sandbox?
way too much

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
not bad i think

Fun fact about you?
im a cat
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

mod me

Why would you make a good moderator?

mod me

How active are you in Sandbox?

mod me

Which timezone are you in?

mod me

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

mod me

Fun fact about you?

mod me!!!!!!!
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I desire an authority and I wanna show sammy I'll be sooner a mod than him.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm unbiased and objective when it comes to serious issues and loyal to the superior.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm here with everyday activity.

Which timezone are you in?
GMT +1.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm serious but they consider me as funny.

Fun fact about you?
When I was in high school, I asked the priest on RE if he knows what dendrophilia means.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Who doesn't?

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been forum banned before and I have a VPN so that I can cheat with my alts.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Depends on what you mean by active. Do I play games? Yeah. Do I troll the forums? Yeah. Do I troll the chat? Yeah.

Which timezone are you in?
The zone.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Everybody hates me. This fits the public opinion or most mods, so I'll fit right in!

Fun fact about you?
WOAH THERE BUD I AIN'T OUTING PERSONAL INFO (note that it's "woah" not "whoa")

Please post your applications here, thanks!
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
to ban bad people

Why would you make a good moderator?
ive done it before

How active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
everybody loves me

Fun fact about you?
im god
over 7 years
>Hello, Friends.
Hello, Fred.
>The mod team is looking a bit thin right now, so I thought I'd open Mod apps back up. I'll probably accept one to two new mods.
I liked Chris better.
>Why do you want to be a moderator?
It's what lilin would have wanted.
>Why would you make a good moderator?
I will bring aether.
>How active are you in Sandbox?
Just casual.
>Which timezone are you in?
>How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
haha incest xd
>Fun fact about you?
haha incest xd
>Please post your applications here, thanks!
Just did.
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?: I get so many people privately messaging me saying "Oh Mr. Trump you have to be a mod, you'd be so good", and they're right, don't you think folks? I'd be the best mod, believe me.

Why would you make a good moderator?: Let me tell you, I'd be the best mod. We're getting beat all the time at the lobby border. When's the last time we won against Main? Believe me, with me as mod we're going to be winning so much you'll be tired of winning - this I can tell you right now.

How active are you in Sandbox?: I'm the most active, believe me, I am active a tremendous amount. There's a real problem with inactive moderators in this lobby - no, there is! I would be the most active of all the moderators - trust me.

Which timezone are you in?: EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?: Tremendous.

Fun fact about you?: JamalMarley would make a better mod than me. If he applies, mod him.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I crave power

Why would you make a good moderator?
the desires of the masses have a strong influence over my decisions

How active are you in Sandbox?
Daily and for long periods of time. Hopefully I will become less active.

Which timezone are you in?
UTC +2:00

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
everybody who is of importance likes me

Fun fact about you?
I joined from tumblr. please dont hate me
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
To help the community more than I do now.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I am fair, and unbiased. I've also been around for quite a few years (6), so I'm familiar with the majority of the community.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Active during the week, sometimes weekends for an hour or so.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Generally good.

Fun fact about you?
I once pecked Platy's PP.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Mostly to brag and threaten others.

Why would you make a good moderator?
Not many can abuse powers better than me.

How sexually active are you in Sandbox?

Which timezone are you in?
Eastern US

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Fun fact about you?
I'm not a weeb. I'm fairly dumb. I favor my own well-being over those of others. After you choose me, I could also brag that I have been a moderator on Sandbox.

Please post your applications here, thanks!

** I also have Shisukon's blessings
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I do it for free

Why would you make a good moderator?
I do it for free

How active are you in Sandbox?
Doesn't matter, I do it for free

Which timezone are you in?
Doesn't matter, I do it for free

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm known as that girl who does it for free

Fun fact about you?
I do it for free
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I have been part of this community for around 3 years now and adore it with all my heart. Being a moderator would allow me to contribute to it, to give back something in return for the experiences I've had and friends I've made.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I consider myself to be unbiased and am extremely against being lenient on one's friends or allowing them to break rules without getting punished.
I know there may be people who hate me solely because I gave them a violation. But a good quality of mine is that I simply continue doing my job and do not respond to irrational emotions. Apart from that, I have previous experience as an admin in other internet communities so I know how to reach out to people and act courteously.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Daily. I spend from 1-5 hours on here depending on the day.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Like everywhere, there are individuals who I like and who in return like me, and vice versa. I am willing to improve by hearing out people's criticism as long as it is constructive.

Fun fact about you?
My right eye is the same color as my left eye.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Why would you make a good moderator?
because lemons are always good mods

How active are you in Sandbox?
pretty much every day except for one or two days

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
i'm loved because i'm the best lemon in sandbox

Fun fact about you?
"did you know that according to the laws of gravity, an earth-sized planet object could be shaped like a lemon" (Golbolco told me this 7 months ago)
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? I want to be a leader. I like the idea of being someone people can look up to. I'm not powerhungry at all, I just love to help in any way I can.

Why would you make a good moderator? I'm friendly, active in the community, and a good leader. I put together Sandbox Book Club and it would've survived better had people participated. There aren't too many people who have a negative opinion of me.

How active are you in Sandbox? I'm on at least once a day if not more.

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? Decently well-liked! I don't have too many enemies.

Fun fact about you? I have a black belt in karate.
over 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? bants

Why would you make a good moderator? done it before, site modded etc. know the ins and outs

How active are you in Sandbox? pretty active

Which timezone are you in? GMT

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? decent

Fun fact about you?
over 7 years
• Why do you want to be a moderator?

it might be fun

• Why would you make a good moderator?

I like reading reports

• How active are you in Sandbox?

Every day

• Which timezone are you in?


• How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I dont think anyone hates me

• Fun fact about you?

I like to draw things
deletedover 7 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
i'm sammy

Why would you make a good moderator?
i'm sammy

How active are you in Sandbox?
i'm sammy

Which timezone are you in?
i'm sammy

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
i'm sammy

Fun fact about you?
i'm sammy