jamal is the most prolific forum miscreant ive ever seen
Jamal is a mysterious man... in the best way possible
deleted over 8 years
i think jamal is a righteous dude
I like Jamal because he is a homosexual with an obsession for Jesse Williams.
MeetTerry says I'm pretty sure Jamal is into men, which explains his obsession for Jesse Williams. I am not a homosexual. I do not have an obsession for Jesse Williams. It is not my fault we look much alike.
I'm pretty sure Jamal is into men, which explains his obsession for Jesse Williams.
SO many users appreciate me.
deleted over 8 years
i like jamal because his reprimands make me want to be a better person
deleted over 8 years
happy birthday jamal
Good taste in politicians
Jamal is the only good person on Epicmafia.com.
i like Jamal because he talks in third person and has much self confidence unlike myself, i aspire to never be like him!
deleted over 8 years
when is jamal's next weekly birthday?
deleted over 8 years
he is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
deleted over 8 years
Jamal's just really funny :)
i just love jamalmarley....his laugh... his funny little requests (its my bday give me tokens) his reprimands (silence obese)
his devotion to his troll persona
I like how he represent a new generation of users
deleted over 8 years
i might have branched far, far....really far from the initial path i was going to take, but in my initial days i appreciated his guidance and instructions on what to do on this website. even though i definitely didn't turn out the way he guided me towards originally, i found that i was able to develop a personality due to his guidance. thanks jamal.