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Why I like JamalMarley

over 8 years

Here are a couple of reasons why I like User JamalMarley:

  • He's funny. He's a real memester.
  • He is a pretty good person in the EM community.
  • He helps find bugs and actively tests for them.
  • He is probably the alt of somebody I hate.

Why do you like Jamal? Post below.

over 8 years
I like his memes.
over 8 years
i like the way he constantly calls me obese so i'm motivated to get my dream body one day
deletedover 8 years
I like Jamal for breaking the ice when no one else will
over 8 years

cub says

thats what i said

over 8 years
JamalMarley is his one and only account - do not spread libelous statements saying he has others.
over 8 years
thats what i said
over 8 years

cub says

i like his dizzying intellect on epicmafia role logic

Excuse me? You know nothing -- I know all.
over 8 years
i like his dizzying intellect on epicmafia role logic