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Exposing the Lobby Owner

over 8 years

Sorry but I'm so furious right now I'm literally shaking. I just need to write this.

Up until today I was perfectly fine with the sandbox lobby owner until everything changed....

At around 8:00pm EST the sandbox lobby owner made a High Noon game...the one where you kill each other. I joked that I was going to kill his GF or whatever and guess what happened...He KICKED me...

Is this really who you want as a sandbox lobby owner!!?!?!?? Some white knight little b*tch?!??!?! This NO way to handle yourself as sandbox lobby owner!!!!

about 8 years

Golbolco says

Sadbox owner? more like BADbox owner LMAO. Bebop probably doesn't even wear Andrew Jacksons, what an animalcule. I was walking down the street yesterday and Bebop was working at this little gourmet edible dental records place. Fourty-five people suffering from diphallia entered the building and had him hung by his toes over a pit of Arizona bark scorpions that had been de-stingered. He didn't even apologize for his poor customer service.

over 8 years
lmao i cant even
over 8 years

Harrold says

Newsflash, Jenny is a cĂșnt.

Bypassing the filter? So bebop and other mods have time to kick me from there games and be white knigts in general but doesnt ban you from the forums??? Glad to see what the priorities are
over 8 years

Arcbell says

Well, Jenny, he didn't ban you, and the lobby owner didn't abuse his powers to kick you, he just used his host privileges like any other user can.

Considering that past sandbox owners have banned people from the lobby just because they didn't like them (not looking at you Christopherzilla) I'd say you have it pretty good, Jenny.

...are you fcking kidding me??? You have NO idea what I'm going through dont you DARE tell me I have it good...You have no idea what the fck your talking about
over 8 years
Newsflash, Jenny is a cĂșnt.
deletedover 8 years
shut up lilin lol
over 8 years
One time I told Bebop I wouldn't knit him socks, and he sent me to Taipei and now I'm working in a Sweatshop...

Day 27: they haven't noticed my smuggled phone.
deletedover 8 years

Arcbell says

Considering that past sandbox owners have banned people from the lobby just because they didn't like them (not looking at you Christopherzilla)

deletedover 8 years
One time I was in a mafia game with bebop and he killed me! This is blatant abuse of power. He must be stopped.
over 8 years
Sadbox owner? more like BADbox owner LMAO. Bebop probably doesn't even wear Andrew Jacksons, what an animalcule. I was walking down the street yesterday and Bebop was working at this little gourmet edible dental records place. Fourty-five people suffering from diphallia entered the building and had him hung by his toes over a pit of Arizona bark scorpions that had been de-stingered. He didn't even apologize for his poor customer service.
over 8 years
who is bebop
over 8 years
Well, Jenny, he didn't ban you, and the lobby owner didn't abuse his powers to kick you, he just used his host privileges like any other user can.

Considering that past sandbox owners have banned people from the lobby just because they didn't like them (not looking at you Christopherzilla) I'd say you have it pretty good, Jenny.
over 8 years
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over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
Then everything changed when the firs nation attacked....
over 8 years
you make me mess it up everytime i brush it so i have to brush it again
over 8 years
my hair would not look the way it does if it was brushed even just once a day. DOES THIS LOOK BRUSHED TO YOU HUH
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
> tmw jimbei signs the petition
deletedover 8 years

Merlot says

bebop won't let me out of his basement and he makes me brush his hair at least 10 times a day...stop him

over 8 years
Sorry but I'm so furious right now I'm literally shaking. I just need to write this.
over 8 years
no jokes allowed zone