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Exposing the Lobby Owner

almost 8 years

Sorry but I'm so furious right now I'm literally shaking. I just need to write this.

Up until today I was perfectly fine with the sandbox lobby owner until everything changed....

At around 8:00pm EST the sandbox lobby owner made a High Noon game...the one where you kill each other. I joked that I was going to kill his GF or whatever and guess what happened...He KICKED me...

Is this really who you want as a sandbox lobby owner!!?!?!?? Some white knight little b*tch?!??!?! This NO way to handle yourself as sandbox lobby owner!!!!

almost 8 years
bebop won't let me out of his basement and he makes me brush his hair at least 10 times a day...stop him
almost 8 years
Jenny pls I thought you had a serious reason when you told me to delete my lobby wall comment
almost 8 years
Also the sandbox lobby owner neg bombing my comments calling him out...what class
almost 8 years
when will bebop #bestop ?!?
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years