deletedalmost 9 years

Lapis must be free

sry if u get spoilered lol

this topic's going to the dogs don't blame me for it

Free Lapis
Free our politics from corruption
almost 6 years
remember his grandpa
almost 6 years
remember steven's racist uncle?
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
remember when lapis and peridot used to be good characters that actually had personalities before lauren zuke ruined them and then blamed it on "depression"
almost 6 years
wow, first he has a universe and now he has a KNIFE TOO? this is out of control! this has gone too far! as parents, we need to put parental controls on our TELEVISIONS. STEVEN'S KNIFE IS CORRUPTING OUR GRANDCHILDREN.
almost 6 years
yes??? and steven kills her??? because he's irish??? its so f*cking wrong. shes a MAIN character you cant just kill her off GOD F*CK IM SO MAD
almost 6 years

pearl hates the irish
almost 6 years
y'all did you hear about the new episode? its another f*cking steven's knife episode. we GET IT steven has a knife and he kills people with it its not even funny or quirky anymore this is like the 10th episode about it. stop making f*cking steven's knife episodes i swear to god
almost 6 years
mom said its my turn to use the universe
almost 6 years
who is steven and why does he have his own universe? that's a bit greedy.
almost 6 years
end of season 5 was EPIC
almost 7 years
Every time I start to forget the show and what made me love it so much, I catch up and fall right back in love
almost 7 years
the show or the character? I think it's natural for shows to turn to a plot to keep the show interesting. Kind of what Adventure Time did. Kind of what the Simpsons didn't do.

I for one always thought the Steven Universe fillers sucked so I'm not really complaining about that we're moving more towards plot advancing episodes.
deletedalmost 7 years
honestly steven has itself and just gotten too bizarre for its own good
deletedalmost 7 years
steven dies in infinity war
almost 7 years
not to spoil anything but steven died
almost 7 years
not to spoil anything but
almost 7 years
over 7 years
I heard the newest steven bomb was leaked, can't wait to try it out in a few days :O
deletedover 7 years
go watch steven universe im flexing
over 7 years
over 7 years
Hey all! This is now the longest hiatus yet. Feeling down? Don't be! There's a nice fan animation AU that's a full length episode. Definitely worth the watch.

almost 8 years
I preddict Alyssa will post a funny pic.
almost 8 years

best one I've seen yet
almost 8 years
u think pearl shape shifted into rose and thats why she doesnt do it anymore

v interesting