remember when lapis and peridot used to be good characters that actually had personalities before lauren zuke ruined them and then blamed it on "depression"
wow, first he has a universe and now he has a KNIFE TOO? this is out of control! this has gone too far! as parents, we need to put parental controls on our TELEVISIONS. STEVEN'S KNIFE IS CORRUPTING OUR GRANDCHILDREN.
y'all did you hear about the new episode? its another f*cking steven's knife episode. we GET IT steven has a knife and he kills people with it its not even funny or quirky anymore this is like the 10th episode about it. stop making f*cking steven's knife episodes i swear to god
the show or the character? I think it's natural for shows to turn to a plot to keep the show interesting. Kind of what Adventure Time did. Kind of what the Simpsons didn't do.
I for one always thought the Steven Universe fillers sucked so I'm not really complaining about that we're moving more towards plot advancing episodes.
deletedalmost 7 years
honestly steven has itself and just gotten too bizarre for its own good
Hey all! This is now the longest hiatus yet. Feeling down? Don't be! There's a nice fan animation AU that's a full length episode. Definitely worth the watch.