  • Chooses two people during the day.
  • Those two people are invited to a banquet for dinner and conversation.
  • The two people know each other's roles but not each other's identities.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

EMBB Point Farm played 450 times
chefs r coolc played 302 times
over 7 years
Guests should show up as their suited or acted selves...
almost 8 years
this is f*cking op. it also goes through suits and overturns jail meetings.
almost 8 years
woah I can comment here now
almost 8 years
Since when was Chef Detective AND Jailer at the same time? Nerf it now!
about 8 years
Lmao, 4 people left, killer and maf tried to joint, they get fuq'd cuz I was chef and I cheffed the two of them :doge:
about 8 years
Chef should be able to not only invite people to its dinner but be able to choose to feed the people (if Chef does not come to the dinner) that it invited.
almost 9 years
Apparently chef can find a guiser if they guised. Whoever is in graveyard and also on the chef list is the guiser/whoever's alive and not showing up on the chef list.
almost 9 years
Chef should not go to dinner, nerf this role.
deletedover 10 years the list to choose myself was too far so i vegged.. every time i tried to choose the list would disappear
over 11 years
I agree with TheSage
over 11 years
Chef should not be able to take themselves to dinner. WAY overpowered. Chef is essentially a Drunk/Detective/Jailer in one.
about 12 years
There is a bug. It isnt only on nl, but if you didnt pick the people yet and someone shoots a gun then you cannot chef that day. If you put both people then the gun is shot it works fine. Keep in mind that anarchist bombs count as guns- when they boomb it counts as gun being shot.
about 12 years
chef shouldnt be able to attend tha banquet
over 12 years
There appears to be a rule forgotten.
Chef can only chef if it's a NL. I tried to chef both times, din't work.

Also Chef role could be bugged please check this.
over 12 years
what is T$ in tengaged?
over 12 years
a det that can jail people and can clear himself. Although he can not get reports n1, it is still so strong and overpowered.
over 12 years
Bugged when ever a chef in the gamed made a banquiet the players did not meet
over 12 years
his eyes are scary
over 12 years
almost 13 years
Zidddude 15 days 3 hours
If the chef sends two townies to dinner, the role can become very OP because they can clear each other, especially if one of them is cc'd.
<--- also if done with two town, one person can claim from the dinner, then chef can claim with the other person that went to dinner. 3 clears.
almost 13 years
OP as shit.
almost 13 years
Chef should REALLY not be able to take himself to dinner. It's basically a detective.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
v He should not be able to do that.
deletedalmost 13 years
This is overpowered as shit. Chef should not be able to take himself to dinner.