Syndicates of Evil

                                                          We Are Back!

Syndicates of Evil

Well it's probably about time I got this thing up and running again. Welcome to the grand reopening of Syndicates of Evil!

We are a fairly small family, but we're looking to recruit; if you are interested, PM Evil for more information.

Basic Expectations

My New Media professor thrives off of setting incredibly vague expectations. I've learned that this leads to severe problems, especially when it's for a grade. Luckily, none of you are going to be graded here, and I will be absolutely clear in what I expect from each of you.

a) No game-throwing. If you want to dispute a report made against you, PM Evil the report URL for review.

b) Always lynch Evil D1 (everyone does it anyways, he's accepted his fate. Plus, a funny Mario noise plays every time he is slain)

c) That's really about it, I'm not really into rules; basically just don't be a dick.

There. 100% not vague.


This family is mostly made up of my close friends, but this is where I acknowledge those who are a part of this Syndicate whether they know it or not.

Sirindu LeMeJoe ScarletWolf CAT3101 RamZor PeterPanOUaT

And others who I'm probably neglecting to mention.


Inactive members are listed here. Partially to publicly shame them, partially because I want to ensure everyone remembers how awesome they were in the event they don't return.



Y'all have abandoned us and we miss you. Don't make us worry so, come home.

almost 10 years
Friends, I believe it is time for us to go on the offense! Evil is officially going to begin playing ranked again. I must admit, I will be sad to see my pie go, however... I believe it is time for me to get back out there. I want us all to begin working on our scores! We aren't doing too bad as is, but hey, why not be a little ambitious? Currently, our top ranking member is dwightschrutte, followed by iJacob, then Wiizel1337, Ashaly, and finally... myself! Let's break a total family score of 100,000 by the end of June!
deletedalmost 10 years
X Crew accepts your Alliance invitation.
almost 10 years
@Wiizel1337, It would be nearly impossible to be a burden! We're a fairly chill family.
almost 10 years
Hello everyone! I hope to not be a burden. .o.
almost 10 years
@iJacob, absolutely! If they're interested, definitely have them PM me.
almost 10 years
It is with great regret that we must say farewell to jthunder89. Active Epic Mafia players are what this family needs, and I cannot allow a player who has not participated remotely in our family, or been on the site in over two weeks, to continue representing our family.
almost 10 years
Reminder that tonight is family game night! 10:00 PM EST (9:00 PM CST). You guys are not expected to join the games of course, but it would be awesome if our members got to know one another a bit better!
almost 10 years
There are no ways to enable notifications unfortunately.... And sure iJacob! We will find something that works
almost 10 years
hey folks, I created a topic in our lobby's forum section, go introduce yourselves. I made it hella easy. no excuses ;)
almost 10 years
Is there a way to turn on notifications for like if anyone comments on this page? I think a lot of the issue is that we don't all check it every day.
almost 10 years
@iJacob, I will create a few roles that can go along with it. I'll work on a few setups and PM you the results. Also, for the time being, I am prematurely canceling my comic-strip project, I'm simply too busy at the moment to do so. Also, @dwightschrutte, that sounds perfect! We can host the games in Scholomance and have a few good hours with it. We need to work on organization a bit!
almost 10 years
I'd like to propose a family game night. What about this thursday, at 9:00pm Central time.
almost 10 years
@dwightschrutte hold your horses! I may be an insomniac but I'm not on 100% of the time!
almost 10 years
approve me to join the dang lobby!!
almost 10 years

All family members are welcome (And kind of expected to) join the family lobby, do so at your leisure, but above all... do it.
almost 10 years
Much pride to our one and only: dwightschrutte! A gentle and friendly reminder that I would love it if some of you would be more active in our family, it kind of ruins the point of having one if you're just letting it sit on your profile.
almost 10 years
HEY FAM exciting stuff. just finished my 23 credit semester from hell... LETS PARTY
almost 10 years
Probably not... I believe this is my second time sending it.
almost 10 years
cool page
almost 10 years
At around 5:30 PM (EST), I will be creating the Syndicates of Logic's very own private lobby. I won't be officially opening it for use until around 10:00 PM (EST). At that time, I will release the Lobby's name, and allow all of the family member's to join! Nice place to unwind with our family!
almost 10 years
I'm in Central time zone :) and YAY EM COMICS
almost 10 years
I am also working on an official background and logo for our family. I will draw it up tonight, although I've begun making comic strips again (I might start one geared towards EM actually), so I'll see if I have time.
almost 10 years
If I can propose the setup to be used, I think we should go with a guiser setup... kinda forces us to pay attention to one another's mannerisms! Or do some kind of party game (Ashaly and I play one all the time that would be perfect). Input your own ideas and opinions!
almost 10 years
I absolutely love that idea dwight, I'll set up a day for us all to get on. Preferably on the weekends, anyone opposed to that? Post your timezones! (Mine is Eastern Time Zone)
almost 10 years
can we all get together soon and play together, to get to know each other more? (probably more for my sake haha ;) )