Syndicates of Evil

                                                          We Are Back!

Syndicates of Evil

Well it's probably about time I got this thing up and running again. Welcome to the grand reopening of Syndicates of Evil!

We are a fairly small family, but we're looking to recruit; if you are interested, PM Evil for more information.

Basic Expectations

My New Media professor thrives off of setting incredibly vague expectations. I've learned that this leads to severe problems, especially when it's for a grade. Luckily, none of you are going to be graded here, and I will be absolutely clear in what I expect from each of you.

a) No game-throwing. If you want to dispute a report made against you, PM Evil the report URL for review.

b) Always lynch Evil D1 (everyone does it anyways, he's accepted his fate. Plus, a funny Mario noise plays every time he is slain)

c) That's really about it, I'm not really into rules; basically just don't be a dick.

There. 100% not vague.


This family is mostly made up of my close friends, but this is where I acknowledge those who are a part of this Syndicate whether they know it or not.

Sirindu LeMeJoe ScarletWolf CAT3101 RamZor PeterPanOUaT

And others who I'm probably neglecting to mention.


Inactive members are listed here. Partially to publicly shame them, partially because I want to ensure everyone remembers how awesome they were in the event they don't return.



Y'all have abandoned us and we miss you. Don't make us worry so, come home.

almost 10 years
AAANNNDDD Oblivion > Skyrim, /and/ not hype for Fallout 4. (And does anyone have Splatoon? <3)
almost 10 years
Woah, we're closing in on our goal. Also, hi Torment! ~Also~ trying to T2 Score Match Round 9 and T1 Medley Festival Round 5. Wish me luck!
almost 10 years
Aye done. This account is so old it isn't even funny... I have so many suicides on record because of the games I played at school, the period typically would end half way through a ranked game and I'd veg. Meh.
almost 10 years
@iJacob I completely agree actually. And I think what I'm going to do since I so rarely play ranked on this account is just invite my ranked account to the family.
almost 10 years
also, look at that steady family score progress. congrats everyone keep it up.
almost 10 years
congrats on the knowledge, guys. you are having an entire conversation of which I understand maybe one of every 6 words. hella fun to see that passion, even if i don't get it ;)
almost 10 years
@iJacob, you basically just described my preferred gaming style. Have you gotten Witcher III yet? It has an extremely detailed system that makes it almost impossible to play the game the same way multiple times. Very solid check and balance system that allows you to create the battle style of your choosing... although I will admit I miss the customizable aspects of The Elder Scrolls. I've been playing them since Morrowind and it never fails to be the perfect escape for someone like me... Oblivion was by far my favorite (Skyrim was great, but it just didn't give that vibe, you know?)
almost 10 years
@iJacob, I've never been a huge fan of the Mortal Kombat franchise... I am however extremely excited as Fallout 4 has been confirmed.
almost 10 years
haha Evil yes!!! theres a new forum for EMI3, go check it out you are listed as a judge!! they are still looking for one more I think. and that bit about your girlfriend made me laugh out loud holy crap what a gem. hold onto her.
almost 10 years
@below, okay so a lot appears to have happened. First of all: I'm a judge of EMI????? That actually fell through?? Secondly: to clarify, game night probably won't be until this weekend, I don't have too many finals so I should have time either Saturday or Sunday to play. Estimated time is going to be 10:00 EST (9:00 CST of course). We'll do a small survivor game for sure, and I've received word that tiramisu is working again. My girlfriend is delirious right now, she suggests that we schedule the game night in the past... (1944 to be exact, in occupied France [we just watched Inglourious Basterds if you can't tell]) I'll let her know that we are not yet able to rend time and space, but the Syndicates of Logic will probably be the first to break through that area of science so no worries.
almost 10 years
also, fun thing. Family member (and our fearless lobby owner and founder) @Evil is going to be a judge in season 3 of Epic Mafia Idol, and I actually am going to be a participant myself. so yay for involvement!
almost 10 years
iJacob, you've been kicking tail on this site via a mobile instrument?!? solid.
almost 10 years
probably wont be tonight i'm guessing wiizel, take your time and good luck studying!!!
almost 10 years
What time, EST? I'll do my HW quick, tho I have a final to study for tomorrow, hah.
almost 10 years
vivor would be so stellar. even if we just do it with a few people and just run through as many contests as we can just for the hell of it even. I'm in, sisters graduation is done and everything is calming down, I'm here most evenings now :)
almost 10 years
I'm thinking of setting up another game night, more casual this far, upvote this comment if you're interested! I may setup a few small survivor games!
almost 10 years
@dwightschrutte, sounds good! We shall push back the goal by a month!
almost 10 years
hey i still exist, sisters graduation this weekend so I've been traveling and doing all sorts of random stuff to help with that. I'll be hella active hella shortly, just not this weekend!!
almost 10 years
@iJacob, sounds like a plan.
almost 10 years
@iJacob, I made that when I was basically dead on my feet tired, fixed it! Thanks for pointing it out. And also, my ranked run will probably be postponed until after graduation... so much to do, and so little time to do it, I have to concentrate! If any of you are busy at this time, we can set the goal back a month!
almost 10 years
@dwightschrutte, that's a good thing. I'll probably be on this site well into my senile years... wait nope... already senile.
almost 10 years
*checks actual score on her profile, because she's never really looked at it before* *approaching 34K* *realizes she spends way too much time here* *never intends to stop*
almost 10 years
Between myself and my alts I have a combined score of 16,988... that's not counting my old comp alt though, I deleted that. It had a score of about 13,000 something... Goddamit this is why I should stick to one account.
almost 10 years
@iJacob, sounds like a challenge. I need to find a way to steal my girlfriend's laptop so I can get on more at home.
almost 10 years
@below Okay! Let's go!