Syndicates of Evil

                                                          We Are Back!

Syndicates of Evil

Well it's probably about time I got this thing up and running again. Welcome to the grand reopening of Syndicates of Evil!

We are a fairly small family, but we're looking to recruit; if you are interested, PM Evil for more information.

Basic Expectations

My New Media professor thrives off of setting incredibly vague expectations. I've learned that this leads to severe problems, especially when it's for a grade. Luckily, none of you are going to be graded here, and I will be absolutely clear in what I expect from each of you.

a) No game-throwing. If you want to dispute a report made against you, PM Evil the report URL for review.

b) Always lynch Evil D1 (everyone does it anyways, he's accepted his fate. Plus, a funny Mario noise plays every time he is slain)

c) That's really about it, I'm not really into rules; basically just don't be a dick.

There. 100% not vague.


This family is mostly made up of my close friends, but this is where I acknowledge those who are a part of this Syndicate whether they know it or not.

Sirindu LeMeJoe ScarletWolf CAT3101 RamZor PeterPanOUaT

And others who I'm probably neglecting to mention.


Inactive members are listed here. Partially to publicly shame them, partially because I want to ensure everyone remembers how awesome they were in the event they don't return.



Y'all have abandoned us and we miss you. Don't make us worry so, come home.

almost 10 years
@Achieina, hey thanks! We're all pretty busy at the moment I think, at least I know dwight and I are.
almost 10 years
Hey everyone! I'm back from vacation. What'd I miss? Oh, and congrats Evil! :-)
almost 10 years
@Evil Ooo, sounds like fun!
almost 10 years
Hey guys I'll be absent until the 22nd, I might get a few chances to be online here and there but for the most part I wont have wifi. Have a good week everyone, I'll be back soon!
almost 10 years
Congrats, Evil!!!!!!!
almost 10 years
I just graduated!!! It's been four years of living hell but oh my god it's over. I'm heading to project grad (our class raised 20K for this, and only about a hundred people are in our class so it's going to be insane), and I'm going to play four goddamn hours straight of laser tag. Not even the dawn will stop me.
almost 10 years
@Evil she was on deaths doorstep last summer.... then had a remarkable turn around.... idk if she can do that twice
almost 10 years
@dwightschrutte, watch her pull through!!!
almost 10 years
so the dog of the family I nanny for is like on her absolute last few months i'm positive. if she dies on my watch..... OHGOD
almost 10 years
Friday is my graduation so that probably won't work! Tell you guys what, let's just schedule it the weekend after this weekend!
almost 10 years
I am actually going to be gone from maf from saturday-like the following monday, I'll be in the wilderness and then at a wedding in utah. if friday works for anyone we should do that, otherwise i'll see y'all shortly!
almost 10 years
I'm officially going to organize a family game night this Saturday at 10:00 PM EST (9:00 PM CST). If this time doesn't work for anyone, please let me know and I can bump it back!
almost 10 years
@Evil ah I see. and yeah we may as well... mine will have the necessary score in a few days here I reckon.
almost 10 years
@dwightschrutte, it's not a score I determine, the game dynamics limit players, and culls off those who are not fit for the purpose of an EM family. It's the same idea as the Karma system, you can only Karma other players once you have a score of 2,000. Incidentally, that's the same score for being invited to a family. And hell, if we're gonna invite our alts may as well invite them all!
deletedalmost 10 years
Hi, Achieina! :)
almost 10 years
Evil just out of curiosity, what is the score you are waiting for for his alt, as my alt shall be getting some more use shortly as well.
almost 10 years
Hey Achiena! welcome to the fam :) can't wait to get to know you as well!
almost 10 years
Hi everyone! Thanks for letting me in & I'll be looking forward to getting to know you all! :-)
almost 10 years
Friends, please welcome our newest family member!! Achieina contacted me yesterday, and her application left me without doubt that she would be an excellent new member of the Syndicate! I know you will all make her feel right at home!
deletedalmost 10 years
iJacob...? :c
almost 10 years
why did iJacob leave </3
almost 10 years
So much pride!!!
almost 10 years
Congrats iJacob!!!
almost 10 years
no i haven't, considering it though. i need to work on some rage issues in games though before i can do that i think. I try not to but i get emotional every now and again.
almost 10 years
I've added close to 1,000 to my own score in the last 3 days here because i've been working mornings and off at nights soooooo thats what i do in the nighttime now <3 keep up the good work loves