
Boom bitch
New York
part of  family

I have a poking war with my alt



almost 10 years
Aren't you that scrub that got fucking rekt in fifa 14?
about 11 years
when are you gonna stawp dying, so you can return to EM? ;-;
When the site gets more interesting..
over 11 years
Sup fucker wanna throw against me again in my run
Yeah bitch


1 / 25It was Him!
1 / 10Guys, I'm so Obvious.
1 / 10Ultimate Sacrifice
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
1 / 30Oxyclean
deletedalmost 12 years
No no no, you said I chose red, but then said I chose green. Don't try to lie to me. Heres some proof right here:
deletedalmost 12 years
Nice job rigging your game! Saying I chose green when I chose red. Biased host is biased!
about 12 years
+k to 0 return plz
deletedabout 12 years
+k you!
about 12 years
"My list of people I cannot play with because they ruin games (Started June 6th 2012)

-DKNate (for idiotic gameplay)"

I love you too.
about 12 years
Read all of what?
about 12 years
+k to -6 (You was at -7)
deletedabout 12 years
Yeah, I just did a lot of reports before. You did say I retract on the last day. But i'll be nice and change the violation to a note. Notes are not actually violations per say, so don't be concerned.
deletedabout 12 years
Gamethrowing and attempting to gamethrow is against the rules. Don't do it again.
deletedabout 12 years
returned! ♥
about 13 years
+ 4 k to you mafia buddy <3 ~
about 13 years
That's because you don't suicide just cause another person did. That's literally breaking the rules of the game hurr durr.
about 13 years
+Kd you
about 13 years
negged for suiciding.