I'd appreciate it if you didn't neg me for shitty reasons. Yes, I do play horribly sometimes, and that's a valid reason to neg me. But don't neg me when I actually do a good job and you're just mad because I hammered correctly against you.
This is why you're a moron and a bad player who will forever wallow in his own stupidity: by all logic, if nails were mafia, he would be the one sent to perform the kill on the cop. The fact that you believed such a blatant fakeclaim from obvious scum points to your inability to think critically or do anything other than sheep reports. Selfdelete, please.
deletedabout 13 years
here's a valid reason to neg you: you're a moron.
deletedabout 13 years
back in the fam~ didn't know when you were gonna get on again