
Queens, NY an Ashville Ohio

1st Riddler Winner goes to: 1) Bella- The Nose KNOWS all AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

2nd Riddle: ???What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house???

I am HOT.. I am COOL!... Am I Asian? (Not a riddle so please stop asking lol)

Member of the Joker Mafia.

Members: Founder (Joker, Crazy For You art): JokesOnYou Founder (Red Hood): cordes72 1st Member (Harley Quinn): BeLLa 2nd Member (The RiDDLEr): ME!

Wanna Join? Contact cordes72 or JokesOnYou for entry into the Joker mafia. Hopefully they will accept me!!~ Heh heh

P.S. I guess I was Karma Bombed by Genus cause of the "You talk to much" comment I made to him. Your a loser :P Karma bomb me for something bad at least jeez. (If it was not you let me know)