

About me, I'm a sad person generally and will try to work out the most rational answer to a situation although sometimes I will come up with an idea that doesn't work :(

I hate suicides but I loathe sort time kicking becuase the lame person still gets to stay in the game. I don't mind long time kicking but I'll always leave it to someone else.

Ok so i just wanted to add this to stop confusion in mafia games. 1) I will never kill flyby unless doing so is a 100% I will be killed. If it's 99%, she lives.

2) If you abbvreviate my name, which I suggest you do, call me werster. I dont particuarly like wer or werst but if you call me wester I will snap at you :/

3) If you think I'm mafia, I'm not. If you think I'm town, I could be either. I am terrible at playing mafia, yet for some reason, I'll never get chosen as mafia when I am. However, if I'm town I will be...so long as genus isn't in the game :)