atikur your noble blessings from the grave made that last game possible. "FUCK YOU VOLT" was a nice touch; now conquer mountains and urinate on molehills with extreme prejudice
deletedalmost 13 years
fuck everyone!! everyone on this filthy spoiled fuckin site is cheating except me, my boyfriend, and also fishbait. that dude owned, and didnt cheat, and neither did i. so FUCK YOU, CHEATERS.
deletedalmost 13 years
im literally so mad that my boyfriend got screwed out of an epicmafia trophy that im going to lobby-camp competing runners. and then, when i get killed n1, im going ren hoek on those fucker cheaters who join games with him.
Wooooow. You need to calm the fuck down. You were scummy and came off as not very genuine. They played a good scum game. We had a weak Town. Don't blame that shit on me. CHILL OUT MISS. -K for that shit, hope you learn not to be such a bitch to other people.