

I don't give a damn. I don't play your rules I make my own.

So many people that I love on here. Here's some of my favorite people I've come across in my time here, in no particular order.

mafiapwner, nichaey, P3D0PH1L3S, selenaaaa, Kommeo, iMafia, HeidiMontag, CarlyRaeJespin, SneakySneaky, brenen22, Bryan, Sir Mickron, AsanteSanaSqashBnana, SirDJ, dapower, soda17, Christopherzilla, sourpickle, hotpickles, BKnight, rockgirlnikki, ImaSuperHero, JustinBieberLips, DocHere, triplet12, hellolove6, valentine234, ajmeier, WaffleHouse, asqapro, Lunacy

Tree, granny, gramps last standing:




anonymousalmost 11 years
Brenen wants women to poop on his chest irl. He tried to cyber these two girls and he said it, as well as some other unsavory things.
Tasty. I always knew he was a freak.
almost 11 years
And whyyyy are you letting anonymous finger bang you?
its supposed to be part of the cover, babe!
anonymousalmost 11 years
Wanna bang fingers in the back of my Chevy Spark?
of course!
about 11 years
Good win there :)
thank you!
over 11 years
If you could have any super power, what super power would you choose and why?
8 months late on this answer but teleportation. That way I can be anywhere I want anytime I want. Plus I won't have to deal with the damn TSA.
almost 13 years
;-; where r u
almost 13 years
-poke- I miss you
about 13 years
I miss you <33
about 13 years
where r u ;^;
about 13 years
we need more ways to talk D=
over 13 years
SHENNY! By the way, it's FABIOulous.
over 13 years
plussed for fam :3
over 13 years
Plussed for fam :)
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
You should join my family! :D
over 13 years
I quite enjoy the new profile pic. I've been playing a bit lately, hope to see you around.
almost 14 years
+K you're awesome cop
almost 14 years
Oh yeah, you must have plussed me before I reached 2k pts. Luv ya! xD
almost 14 years
Hey, you still play? Anyway, plussed you. xD
deletedalmost 14 years
plussed for confirming my mod status
almost 14 years
+k for sexy whispers
almost 14 years
Hi Twain. :D
about 14 years
Yay! This time, I'll pay you $6 an hour, since you're my lover. ;) Thanks for the k+ too!!!
about 14 years
+k for fam, return!